New Member
- Joined
- Sep 23, 2010
- Messages
- 871
After farming companion gifts for awhile. And having a full inventory of them. I didn't know who would be best to get what. So I wanted easy way to sit at mailbox and know exactly who to mail each one to. What alt, or class, or companion would benefit with each gift. I looked for a list like I wanted but couldn't find one. So, I made one. If helps ya out cool.
0 - Not shown, 1 - Likes, 2 - favorite, 3 - loves
Name of companion, likes, class companion belongs to
(F) = Female player / (M) = Male player
(D) = Dark / (L) = Light
Mako 3(M) - Bounty Hunter
Ashara 3(M) - Sith Inq
Vette 3 - Sith War
Ensign 1(F)/3(M) - Imp Agent
Torian 2(F) - Bounty Hunter
Vector 2(F) - Imp Agent
Andronikos 1(F) - Sith Inq
Talos 1 - Sith Inq
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Quinn 1 - Sith War
Cultural Artifact:
Khem 3 - Sith Inq
Talos 3 - Sith Inq
Vector 3 - Imp Agent
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Vette 2 - Sith War
Jaesa (L) 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(F)/2(M) - Sith Inq
Scorpio 1 - Imp Agent
Gault 1 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Torian 1 - Bounty Hunter
Broonmark 1 - Sith War
Imperial Memorabilia:
Ensign 3 - Imp Agent
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Talos 2 - Sith Inq
Vector 2 - Imp Agent
Quinn 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(M) - Sith Inq
Khem 1 - Sith Inq
Doctor 1 - Imp Agent
Broonmark 1 - Sith War
Jaesa (D) 1 - Sith War
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Andronikos 1(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Gault 3 - Bounty Hunter
Jaesa (D) 3 - Sith War
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Kaliyo 2(F)/3(M) - Imp Agent
Talos 2 - Sith Inq
Doctor 2 - Imp Agent
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 1 - Bounty Hunter
Ashara 1(M) - Sith Inq
Ensign 1 - Imp Agent
Vector 1 - Imp Agent
Military Gear:
Xalek 3 - Sith Inq
Lieutenant 3 - Sith War
Andronikos 2(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Doctor 2 - Imp Agent
Ensign 2 - Imp Agent
Quinn 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(F)/2(M) - Sith Inq
Torian 2 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 1 - Bounty Hunter
Kaliyo 1 - Imp Agent
Scorpio 1 - Imp Agent
Broonmark 1 - Sith War
Jaesa (D) 1 - Sith War
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Republic Memorabilia:
Ashara 1(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Talos 2 - Sith Inq
Broonmark 2 - Sith War
Jaesa (L) 2 - Sith War
Doctor 1 - Imp Agent
Ensign 1 - Imp Agent
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Vette 1 - Sith War
Blizz 3 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 3 - Bounty Hunter
Doctor 3 - Imp Agent
Scorpio 3 - Imp Agent
Gault 1 - Bounty Hunter
Torian 1 - Bounty Hunter
Ashara 1(M) - Sith Inq
Khem 1 - Sith Inq
Talos 1 - Sith Inq
Kaliyo 1 - Imp Agent
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Quinn 1 - Sith War
Vette 1 - Sith War
Torian 3 - Bounty Hunter
Broonmark 3 - Sith War
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Jaesa (D) 2 - Sith War
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 1 - Bounty Hunter
Andronikos 1 - Sith Inq
Khem 1 - Sith Inq
Xalek 1 - Sith Inq
Scorpio 1 - Imp Agent
Vector 1 - Imp Agent
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Quinn 1 - Sith War
Underworld Good:
Andronikos 2(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Blizz 3 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 3 - Bounty Hunter
Vette 3 - Sith War
Gault 2 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 2 - Bounty Hunter
Kaliyo 2 - Imp Agent
Torian 1 - Bounty Hunter
Xalek 1 - Sith Inq
Doctor 1 - Imp Agent
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Skadge 3 - Bounty Hunter
Andronikos 3 - Sith Inq
Xalek 3 - Sith Inq
Kaliyo 3 - Imp Agent
Broonmark 3 - Sith War
Jaesa (D) 3 - Sith War
Lieutenant 3 - Sith War
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Torian 2 - Bounty Hunter
Khem 2 - Sith Inq
Scorpio 2 - Imp Agent
Quinn 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(F)/2(M) - Sith Inq
Gault 1 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Ensign 1 - Imp Agent
Vector 1 - Imp Agent
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Vette 1 - Sith War
0 - Not shown, 1 - Likes, 2 - favorite, 3 - loves
Name of companion, likes, class companion belongs to
(F) = Female player / (M) = Male player
(D) = Dark / (L) = Light
Mako 3(M) - Bounty Hunter
Ashara 3(M) - Sith Inq
Vette 3 - Sith War
Ensign 1(F)/3(M) - Imp Agent
Torian 2(F) - Bounty Hunter
Vector 2(F) - Imp Agent
Andronikos 1(F) - Sith Inq
Talos 1 - Sith Inq
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Quinn 1 - Sith War
Cultural Artifact:
Khem 3 - Sith Inq
Talos 3 - Sith Inq
Vector 3 - Imp Agent
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Vette 2 - Sith War
Jaesa (L) 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(F)/2(M) - Sith Inq
Scorpio 1 - Imp Agent
Gault 1 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Torian 1 - Bounty Hunter
Broonmark 1 - Sith War
Imperial Memorabilia:
Ensign 3 - Imp Agent
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Talos 2 - Sith Inq
Vector 2 - Imp Agent
Quinn 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(M) - Sith Inq
Khem 1 - Sith Inq
Doctor 1 - Imp Agent
Broonmark 1 - Sith War
Jaesa (D) 1 - Sith War
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Andronikos 1(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Gault 3 - Bounty Hunter
Jaesa (D) 3 - Sith War
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Kaliyo 2(F)/3(M) - Imp Agent
Talos 2 - Sith Inq
Doctor 2 - Imp Agent
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 1 - Bounty Hunter
Ashara 1(M) - Sith Inq
Ensign 1 - Imp Agent
Vector 1 - Imp Agent
Military Gear:
Xalek 3 - Sith Inq
Lieutenant 3 - Sith War
Andronikos 2(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Doctor 2 - Imp Agent
Ensign 2 - Imp Agent
Quinn 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(F)/2(M) - Sith Inq
Torian 2 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 1 - Bounty Hunter
Kaliyo 1 - Imp Agent
Scorpio 1 - Imp Agent
Broonmark 1 - Sith War
Jaesa (D) 1 - Sith War
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Republic Memorabilia:
Ashara 1(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Talos 2 - Sith Inq
Broonmark 2 - Sith War
Jaesa (L) 2 - Sith War
Doctor 1 - Imp Agent
Ensign 1 - Imp Agent
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Vette 1 - Sith War
Blizz 3 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 3 - Bounty Hunter
Doctor 3 - Imp Agent
Scorpio 3 - Imp Agent
Gault 1 - Bounty Hunter
Torian 1 - Bounty Hunter
Ashara 1(M) - Sith Inq
Khem 1 - Sith Inq
Talos 1 - Sith Inq
Kaliyo 1 - Imp Agent
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Quinn 1 - Sith War
Vette 1 - Sith War
Torian 3 - Bounty Hunter
Broonmark 3 - Sith War
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Jaesa (D) 2 - Sith War
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 1 - Bounty Hunter
Andronikos 1 - Sith Inq
Khem 1 - Sith Inq
Xalek 1 - Sith Inq
Scorpio 1 - Imp Agent
Vector 1 - Imp Agent
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Quinn 1 - Sith War
Underworld Good:
Andronikos 2(F)/3(M) - Sith Inq
Blizz 3 - Bounty Hunter
Skadge 3 - Bounty Hunter
Vette 3 - Sith War
Gault 2 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 2 - Bounty Hunter
Kaliyo 2 - Imp Agent
Torian 1 - Bounty Hunter
Xalek 1 - Sith Inq
Doctor 1 - Imp Agent
Lieutenant 1 - Sith War
Skadge 3 - Bounty Hunter
Andronikos 3 - Sith Inq
Xalek 3 - Sith Inq
Kaliyo 3 - Imp Agent
Broonmark 3 - Sith War
Jaesa (D) 3 - Sith War
Lieutenant 3 - Sith War
Blizz 2 - Bounty Hunter
Torian 2 - Bounty Hunter
Khem 2 - Sith Inq
Scorpio 2 - Imp Agent
Quinn 2 - Sith War
Ashara 1(F)/2(M) - Sith Inq
Gault 1 - Bounty Hunter
Mako 1 - Bounty Hunter
Ensign 1 - Imp Agent
Vector 1 - Imp Agent
Jaesa (L) 1 - Sith War
Vette 1 - Sith War