So, the thing is I'm pretty sure that I got autobanned. I don't farm at most 1 day per week for some ores to pros. I mainly do transmog and AH business and things like that (completely clean). this is my main account and i only
use lazyraider to do some raids. the account banned when i was using pros plugin to prospect some ores(can't use PB with betaHB, dk why), then email came and said "Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software". so i replied just
saying that i was playing the character and never heard of such kind of software and never used it.
After more than 1 day of waiting, Gm replied "An additional review of the action has been completed. We have confirmed our initial findings, however, due to the history of the account the closure has been changed to a 72 hour suspension.
Please be aware any future violations will result in the closure of the account." it seems that his point is so weak. like they did not find anything but just want to bluff me.
I wonder if I should write back to fight for myself. if not, it seems like I did those things and try to compromise. I've never had such kind of situation before and I really wanna hear from you guys. any help will be greatly appreciated.
thank you .
use lazyraider to do some raids. the account banned when i was using pros plugin to prospect some ores(can't use PB with betaHB, dk why), then email came and said "Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software". so i replied just
saying that i was playing the character and never heard of such kind of software and never used it.
After more than 1 day of waiting, Gm replied "An additional review of the action has been completed. We have confirmed our initial findings, however, due to the history of the account the closure has been changed to a 72 hour suspension.
Please be aware any future violations will result in the closure of the account." it seems that his point is so weak. like they did not find anything but just want to bluff me.
I wonder if I should write back to fight for myself. if not, it seems like I did those things and try to compromise. I've never had such kind of situation before and I really wanna hear from you guys. any help will be greatly appreciated.
thank you .