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Jan 15, 2010
bout 4 days ago i made a druid and warrior for recruit a friend lvling, all of my characters are in the same guild along with the other guildies of course not just designated to me myself.

Today i get a whisper on my main while im in an instance, i respond he first asks about my guild and wonders what were all about, get further down the line and figure out he was trying to talk to my lower lvl druid and warrior for some time and hasnt had a respond, he points this out to me and simply asks if we have any glider botters in our guild, i said not that im aware of, told him my druid was my little cousin whos only 9 years old and doesnt understand the game real well so he just runs around and kills stuff and is happy with it.

So after a while of discussing that with him he starts asking me if i know anything about bots and pointed out another bot in tanaris. Some rogue who isnt in a guild, so i ask him how he spots a bot and wonder why hes telling me all of this.

His response was he was just curious and u can tell there a bot because of the circle they use.

So i get to thinking and start to wonder how he knows so much about it, i shift click his name and hes guildless, lightbulb goes off, so i asked him and i quote "You seem to know alot about it, you sure u dont do it yourself?" his quick reply was no.

So lets get some opinions here, im scared to bot anymore because he will be watching my chars im sure.

is this person a bot or not a bot?
well, other botters know how to spot a bot running around.
That's kinda what we do, and this is a perfect reason why we need some kind of IM to respond to whispers.
The best thing you could and should have done was talk to him like you don't know anything about bots.

This sounds like something i experienced when i was lvling my bot manually one day, accidentally "help" another play at the same lvl, he /w me in my native language (danish) and i replayed back.
Then *poof!* i was he's new best friend and he whispered me every time i logged in and asked how i could lvl so fast, and all i could tell him was "i do alot of Quests" even though i made like 10 of them :P
Tbh, then it?s easier for a botter to spot a bot than others ;)

Take it easy dude ^^
jamba can forward whispers to your main (provided he is online, on same server/faction)

Hard to say if that guy is another botter, some one who is bot-curious, or a bot hater trying to catch you. Best is to play it casual like you did, and keep an eye on your bot screen and catch whispers right away.
Well i didnt catch any of his whispers so i didnt know until he talked to my main, what i have noticed though now is that the rogue he so kindly pointed out to me as being a bot, logged out with he himself, i beleive this person was a botter trying to meet another botter friend perhaps, Not real sure, the thing that raises a flag for me though is at a lower lvl i woke up and my druid was following another druid rather than my warrior, and i cant help but think maybe that was the guy i was following, cause his class is also a druid.

So the question now is should i keep botting like i have been, or lay low.

I guess if i stopped botting now it would seem obvious no?
keep playing as you allways did, remember you dont know anything about bots, so you dont know anything about what you would do when you get paranoid :P
Lol, well thats what i tell all my other guildies when they say he doesnt talk much, i tell them i turn chat off cause hes young so he doesnt have to see stupid shit, and its worked for like 4 months and counting. Aight its decided ill keep on goin.
next time just dont explain yourself, as more you say, as more false things you can say

tell him, you dont know what your guildmember does, but you are sure that your guildmembers do not use bots

and if he asks why there comes no reply from that player, just tell him, how the hell should i know why he does not answer you .. he answers me

end of story