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are you trying to click on a button or what? because theres no way to send a normal xy cord, but if you need to click something like "Send" in the mail box or whatever theres api hooks for it that you can use or inject LUA to get the job done
well, i would like to click a few buttons that TSM (TradeSkillMaster) got, but since you don't get anything more or less out from /framestack when holding over TSM buttons it would be nice to have a script or something clicking those for me; ofc, if someone knows how to fix this problem i would be happy to know those tricks
well, i would like to click a few buttons that TSM (TradeSkillMaster) got, but since you don't get anything more or less out from /framestack when holding over TSM buttons it would be nice to have a script or something clicking those for me; ofc, if someone knows how to fix this problem i would be happy to know those tricks