This profile will farm Small Eggs which are required for the Christmas event. They are usually quite expensive, and a lot of profit is to be made, so this profile should come in quite handy.
Location: Outside Silvermoon City, so it's much more Horde friendly than Alliance if you're on a PVP server.
Known Bugs:
Mounting issue, if anybody knows how to fix this please let me know.
View attachment [Grind] HawkSlayerv2.xml
This profile will farm Small Eggs which are required for the Christmas event. They are usually quite expensive, and a lot of profit is to be made, so this profile should come in quite handy.
Location: Outside Silvermoon City, so it's much more Horde friendly than Alliance if you're on a PVP server.
Known Bugs:
Mounting issue, if anybody knows how to fix this please let me know.
View attachment [Grind] HawkSlayerv2.xml
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