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character gets stuck flying back and forth for hours...


New Member
Feb 21, 2012
Hello my character is level 82 and is questing in deepholm and has constantly been caught flying back and forth every like 2 feet, i have restarted wow plus hb same problem persists , i have tried svn update same problem,and have chose a new questing profile and same problem. i do not know what i am doing wrong. i am using updated singular for a ret paladin. here is my log.View attachment 3-5-2012_2_30 AM 1512 Log.txt
View attachment 3-6-2012_12_55 PM 3536 Log.txtwell i did a lot of quests manually and restarted hb, and still same problem. now it doesnt want to start the bot it gives me an error

Logging in...

Attached to WoW with ID 3336
Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5800 started!
Character is a level 82 Draenei Paladin
Current zone is Teldrassil
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[Instancebuddy]: Currently supported tanking dungeons :
[Instancebuddy]: (This list will update itself automatically)
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
[Instancebuddy]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
[Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
New bot added!: Instancebuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: PartyBot
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Adrian Ramirez\Desktop\HB\Kick's Profiles\Kick's Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick].xml
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[Allrounder]:Welcome to Allrounder v3 : Time to craft some SHIT!!
[CombatHelper] Loaded version 4.2.2
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Rare Mob Killer - Version 3.3 Loaded.
Rarekiller Part Tamer: I'm no Hunter. Deactivate the Tamer Part
[RINGO LOG] RingoLog loaded.
[CombatHelper] Loaded version 4.2.2
Building spell book
Spell book built
Initialization complete.
Honorbuddy is up-to-date
Starting the bot!
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[12:56:11 PM:793] This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!

the profile is made for 83-85 and you are "
Character is a level 82 Draenei Paladin"