is it possible to sell items as sets for more loots?
Full Rare Sets
One of the following:
Two-Handed Weapon (including bows, quiver not required) ×1
One-Handed Weapon ×1 and Shield ×1
One-Handed Weapon ×2
Helmet ×1
Body Armour ×1
Gloves ×1
Boots ×1
Belt ×1
Amulet ×1
Ring ×2
so receive 1-3 chaos orbs or 1-3 regret
Full Rare Sets
One of the following:
Two-Handed Weapon (including bows, quiver not required) ×1
One-Handed Weapon ×1 and Shield ×1
One-Handed Weapon ×2
Helmet ×1
Body Armour ×1
Gloves ×1
Boots ×1
Belt ×1
Amulet ×1
Ring ×2
so receive 1-3 chaos orbs or 1-3 regret