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Hey guys!
I'm going to explain some essential methods to be more secure on the internet, which can be very helpful for botting and other illegal actions on mmorpgs, but also general illegal online activities.
1. change mac address
Which can be extremly useful since the bliz launcher also sends bliz your mac address. With a change you can pretend to have your account stolen. Still you should change your ip also. You can do that with tools like 'hidemyass'. They have currently very nice winter offers.
2. bind program to one NIC
You can have several NIC (network devices), however, windows will always choose the one with the highest megabyte transfer rate (more likely your lan NIC). Since NICs are pretty cheap, around 5$, you can easily run, for instance, several WoW instances on one PC but bind each WoW instance to one NICs, appearing to have several PCs, which will reduce your suspicious-looking.
1. change mac address
First of all one should know how to change their mac address. A mac address is an address that every NIC (network card) has, which also should be unique. In fact, it is restricted to change your physical mac-address of a NIC in Europe, therefore should be fixed out of manufacture. Nevertheless, it is easily possible for windows to overlay this fixed one and pretend to have another one.
1. method:
To change an mac-address within windows own environment follow this steps:
1. open network and sharing center: here you can also check your current mac address by clicking the device that is your current network device and then click details. You can also always check your mac by open cmd and typing 'getmac' or 'ipconfig/all' .
2. next click on the preferred NIC or search for the correct one under adapter settings and choose preferences for the required one.
3. click configure, and in the new and in the new window click advanced tab
4. here you need to search for 'network address' (some wlan devices might not have such entries, try second method then. In addition, with some European updates for NICs this keys will not be editable anymore)
5. click value and choose one that fits your perception, must be 12 digits
6. save everything and check out your new mac address (cmd: getmac)
2. method:
1. run regedt32 (something different to regedit, which you should not use)
2. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}". Expand it by clicking, listed are then network address, each is one sub key with a 4 digit number. Just search for your NIC then. The name is often listed as DriverDesc (Driver description)
3. Next you need to find the string key "NetworkAddress" ("Reg_SZ" type) and set a new mac address by modifying it. Moreover, you can also add a new "NetworkAddress" string when there is none.
4. Last you need to disable and re-enable the device, and check the new mac-address (cmd:getmac)
3. method:
MadMacs is a good tool to randomize your host name and mac address with every reboot. Detailed information's on the project site: MadMACs: MAC Address Spoofing And Host Name Randomizing App For Windows
Furthermore, MacMakeup is a cool tool, check out project site: MacMakeup
It should be said that many wireless cards are harder to edit, since they dont have the availability to edit there mac in the windows interface as they don't have such entries. Adding one in the registry doesn't mean that it will work.
2. bind program to one NIC
Moreover, it is essential to also bind the required program to the preferred NIC. This is very easy with this little tool, which works like a charm. Here is the project site: forcebindip
You can simply download the setup from the site, however, can also extract the tool to system32 folder.
I recommend the installer, as sometimes, for no reason, forcebindip doesn't find bindip.dll in my folder.
Forcebindip is configured via cmd, since it has no graphical interface. Nevertheless, that is pretty easy. Open cmd and type:
forcebindip+(here comes the ip of your NIC)+(path of the application)
Example: Your NICs ip is (look it up at network and sharing center>adapter settings>status of the particular device>details). In addition, you want to start WoW with the path: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft EU 2\Wow.exe. Interesting is that you need "" for the path since the path contains spaces. Then it should look like:
forcebindip "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft EU 2\Wow.exe"
Just type this to cmd and confirm and the application will start.
Best is to create a notepad file with all your application you want to start with forcebindip and just copy and paste the command to cmd when you need it.
All in all forcebindip is pretty easy and helping tool.
However, I also want to recommend HideMyAss Pro software, since it works pretty well and helps to disguise your IP. They currently have very nice offers during the holidays.
I hope I helped some of you with this thread! In addition, made some of you aware of some incredible nice tools.
I recommend to maybe consider to donate some small amount to the people that wrote that tools, if you like the tools, which is always very kindly!

I look forward to answer questions regarding this topic.
I apologize if this might be a repost, but I didn't find anything particular about it.

I also apologize if I might placed it in the wrong forum, wanted to post in 'Guides' but wasn't able though.
The ones who finds misspellings can keep them for themselfs.
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