whats up everyone, just something ive come across since 5.3 has come out, ive lvled herb/mining with prof buddy and when I got to outlands almost all of the nodes and a lot of the herbs do not disappear when you loot them, so you bot will most of the time try 3 more times then blacklist but sometime it just sits ther and will keep trying to get the same one or reset its count on that node because its trying to go to another node close to it right after I tries to loot and when it does that it goes into an endless move 5 feet away come back tot he same node and try again. I havnt gotten banned or anything for that but I think it would be very easy for that to happen being that someone could see you just sitting there doing that for hours lol or for bliz to detect that. just a heads up! I just got to northrend after lvling outlands myself and the nodes are acting as they should so far