When do I know when their unlocked for the respective zone? I know Hyjal has Firelands and Molten Front or is there any difference?
For example, I assumed for the longest time if you had the questing achievements in Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands then you would be able to use most if not all of the daily profiles created by various users. Is this true or is there an easier way to tell?
When running the questing profile in say Uldum after I have 105 quests completed which unlocks the achievement, it can continue questing. Do I have to let it quest until it literally runs out to unlock the requirements for dailies or only do up to the point which you have access? Such as Therazene in Deepholm.
And does does doing the Twilight Highlands quests unlock Baradin Hold, Tol Barad Peninsula and Wildhammer Stronghold dailies?
I'm sorry if this is confusing, but I never understood when Cataclysm dailies were unlocked and when they weren't. I tried reading wiki and googling, but I may be looking for the wrong thing.
For example, I assumed for the longest time if you had the questing achievements in Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands then you would be able to use most if not all of the daily profiles created by various users. Is this true or is there an easier way to tell?
When running the questing profile in say Uldum after I have 105 quests completed which unlocks the achievement, it can continue questing. Do I have to let it quest until it literally runs out to unlock the requirements for dailies or only do up to the point which you have access? Such as Therazene in Deepholm.
And does does doing the Twilight Highlands quests unlock Baradin Hold, Tol Barad Peninsula and Wildhammer Stronghold dailies?
I'm sorry if this is confusing, but I never understood when Cataclysm dailies were unlocked and when they weren't. I tried reading wiki and googling, but I may be looking for the wrong thing.
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