CastNinja v3.0
-=Making bad rogues good, one KICK at a time=-
This is a plug-in intended for PvP Rogues
It will pseudo-instantly interrupt your targets spell-casting.
Price-less for Arenas and Battlegrounds.
NOTE: I am not the greatest rogue in the game. I have some arena experience, but not enough to bring this plugin to the potential I hope for. Any rogues out there with suggestions for split-second automation in arenas (whether it be general or comp specific), I will happily implement any must-have features. Need pro strats
I am happy to announce that castNinja v3.0 is finally a stable, user-friendly plugin.
MANY thanks to Hawker for helping me with the Profile/Mesh attached.
-=Making bad rogues good, one KICK at a time=-
This is a plug-in intended for PvP Rogues
It will pseudo-instantly interrupt your targets spell-casting.
Price-less for Arenas and Battlegrounds.
NOTE: I am not the greatest rogue in the game. I have some arena experience, but not enough to bring this plugin to the potential I hope for. Any rogues out there with suggestions for split-second automation in arenas (whether it be general or comp specific), I will happily implement any must-have features. Need pro strats

Installation Instructions:
1. Extract the attached zip folder.
2. Copy each file and paste them in their respective Honorbuddy folders.
[note: If you would like to be able to use other rogue CustomClasses when not using this plugin, change the original rogue.cs extension prior to inserting the castNinja rogue.cs]
3. Start up Honorbuddy, click the "plugins" tab, and enable castNinja (You may need to disable other plugins as they could interfere). Also, make sure "Use Mount" is unchecked.
4. Select any of the Battleground modes (any random one, as long as you don't have mixed or Levelbot selected.)
5. Click "Load Profile" and load the castNinja.xml file
6. Start Honorbuddy and keep on kickin'!
1. Extract the attached zip folder.
2. Copy each file and paste them in their respective Honorbuddy folders.
[note: If you would like to be able to use other rogue CustomClasses when not using this plugin, change the original rogue.cs extension prior to inserting the castNinja rogue.cs]
3. Start up Honorbuddy, click the "plugins" tab, and enable castNinja (You may need to disable other plugins as they could interfere). Also, make sure "Use Mount" is unchecked.
4. Select any of the Battleground modes (any random one, as long as you don't have mixed or Levelbot selected.)
5. Click "Load Profile" and load the castNinja.xml file
6. Start Honorbuddy and keep on kickin'!
MANY thanks to Hawker for helping me with the Profile/Mesh attached.