Does anyone know what is going on?
its say
[13:41:52] Getting items of pokestop d190ca9d62e54fb2b3d4e9acfd32a384.16 failed. Trying again.
[13:45:11] Trying to catch Pokemon Doduo CP(175) IV(60) with Greatball...
[13:45:12] Pokemon Doduo fled.
[13:48:01] Trying to catch Pokemon Nidoran ♀ CP(322) IV(53) with Greatball...
[13:48:01] Pokemon Nidoran ♀ fled.
[13:49:51] Trying to catch Pokemon Goldeen CP(12) IV(67) with Greatball...
[13:49:52] Pokemon Goldeen fled.
[13:50:07] Looting The Arsenal
its say
[13:41:52] Getting items of pokestop d190ca9d62e54fb2b3d4e9acfd32a384.16 failed. Trying again.
[13:45:11] Trying to catch Pokemon Doduo CP(175) IV(60) with Greatball...
[13:45:12] Pokemon Doduo fled.
[13:48:01] Trying to catch Pokemon Nidoran ♀ CP(322) IV(53) with Greatball...
[13:48:01] Pokemon Nidoran ♀ fled.
[13:49:51] Trying to catch Pokemon Goldeen CP(12) IV(67) with Greatball...
[13:49:52] Pokemon Goldeen fled.
[13:50:07] Looting The Arsenal