Honorbuddy Deutsche v3.0.16018.848 started.
Logging in...
Attaching to D3D11
Attached to WoW with ID 11196
Honorbuddy v3.0.16018.848 started!
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
New bot added!: FishingBuddy
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Party Bot
New bot added!: Garrisonbuddy
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: Raid Bot
Hello Lvl 104 Alliance DemonHunter
For optimal performance, please use: Enyo
Current Version:
-- v9.1.2016 --
-- by SpeshulK926 --
-- A Demon Hunter's Combat Routine --
Hotkeys: Registered!
Selected talents for Demon Hunter Havoc

ebug]: GeneralDebug: False

ebug]: GeneralFacing: True

ebug]: GeneralMovement: True

ebug]: GeneralTargeting: True

ebug]: HavocHealthPotionHp: 40

ebug]: HavocHealthPotionListSetting:

ebug]: HavocUseAgilityFlask: False

ebug]: HavocUseAgilityPotionCooldown: Manual

ebug]: HavocBlurHp: 60

ebug]: HavocBlurOperator: OR

ebug]: HavocBlurUnits: 4

ebug]: HavocDarknessHp: 50

ebug]: HavocDarknessUnits: 5

ebug]: HavocDarknessOperator: OR

ebug]: HavocChaosNovaHp: 40

ebug]: HavocChaosNovaOperator: OR

ebug]: HavocChaosNovaUnits: 3

ebug]: HavocFelRushOnPull: True

ebug]: HavocFelRushSingleTarget: True

ebug]: HavocFelRushAoe: True

ebug]: HavocVengefulReatreatSingleTarget: True

ebug]: HavocVengefulReatreatAoe: True

ebug]: HavocUseMetamorphosisCooldown: Cooldown

ebug]: VengeanceAllowTaunt: False

ebug]: VengeanceAllowDemonSpikes: True

ebug]: VengeanceDemonSpikesHp: 90

ebug]: VengeanceEmpowerWards: True

ebug]: VengeanceAllowSoulCleave: True

ebug]: VengeanceSoulCleaveHp: 80

ebug]: VengeanceAllowFieryBrand: True

ebug]: VengeanceFieryBrandHp: 70

ebug]: VengeanceAllowMetamorphosis: True

ebug]: VengeanceMetamorphosisHp: 60

ebug]: VengeanceAllowSoulBarrier: True

ebug]: VengeanceSoulBarrierHp: 40

ebug]: VengeanceAllowSoulCarver: True

ebug]: VengeanceSoulCarverHp: 65

ebug]: VengeanceCombatAllowSoulCleave: True

ebug]: VengeanceCombatSoulCleavePain: 80

ebug]: VengeancePreferPullWithFelblade: False

ebug]: VengeanceAllowInterruptConsumeMagic: False

ebug]: VengeanceAllowInterruptSigilOfSilence: False

ebug]: VengeanceAllowInterruptSigilOfMisery: False

ebug]: VengeanceAllowStunSigilOfMisery: False

ebug]: VengeanceStunSigilOfMiseryCount: 0
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Disabled
BuddyControlPanel - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Disabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Character is a level 104 NightElf DemonHunter
Current zone is Der Hochberg
Honorbuddy Startup Complete
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Der Hochberg (
Highmountain - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Mixed Mode
Current zone is Der Hochberg (
Highmountain - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Mixed Mode
Current zone is Der Hochberg (
Highmountain - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Grind Bot
Current zone is Der Hochberg (
Highmountain - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[AutoEquip] Equipping item Addies tintenbeflecktes Säckchen (
Addie's Ink-Stained Satchel - Item - World of Warcraft) instead of Dämonenbalgtasche (
http://www.wowhead.com/item=123958) (slot: Bag1) - it scored 26.00 while the old scored 20.00
[AutoEquip] Swapping with first item in backpack first
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : ArchaeologyBuddy
Current zone is Der Hochberg (
Highmountain - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[ArchBuddy]: --------------- Settings ---------------
[ArchBuddy]: AutoSolveArtifacts: True
[ArchBuddy]: UseKeystones: False
[ArchBuddy]: CrateArtifacts: True
[ArchBuddy]: AutoTrain: True
[ArchBuddy]: TrainUpto: 375
[ArchBuddy]: Blacklisted digsites:
[ArchBuddy]: Name: Nifflevar Digsite MapId: 571 Type: Vrykul
[ArchBuddy]: Name: Halaa Digsite MapId: 530 Type: Draenei
[ArchBuddy]: Name: East Summer Fields Digsite MapId: 870 Type: Mogu
[ArchBuddy]: Name: The Feeding Pits Digsite MapId: 870 Type: Mantid
[ArchBuddy]: Name: Frostboar Drifts Digsite MapId: 1116 Type: Draenor
[ArchBuddy]: ----------------------------------------
ArchaeologyBuddy can only train Archaeology in Kalimdor for Horde and Eastern Kingdoms for Alliance. Please start AB in the approaite continent or train Archaeology first.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Grind Bot
Current zone is Der Hochberg (
Highmountain - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Latency to Buddy service: 45 ms
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Latency to Buddy service: 45 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 46 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 50 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 49 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 44 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 47 ms
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Dalaran (
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Latency to Buddy service: 44 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 45 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 44 ms
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Das Große Meer (
[Illidari]: *Metamorphosis
[Illidari]: *Vengeful Retreat
[Illidari]: ^Fel Rush
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike
[Illidari]: ^Throw Glaive
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike

ebug]: Number of new units: 1
[Illidari]: Switch target to Insellöwenrobbe at 4 yds @ 24% HP

ebug]: Number of new units: 0
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <977.8996, 1398.32, 18.4812>
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <996.4579, 1381.07, 4.292197>
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <1008.35, 1370.194, -8.181303>
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <1008.073, 1370.972, -17.75072>
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <1006.619, 1371.845, -25.81721>
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <1005.432, 1374.524, -30.43851>
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Latency to Buddy service: 42 ms
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Suramar (
[Illidari]: *Vengeful Retreat
[Illidari]: ^Throw Glaive
[Illidari]: ^Fel Rush
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike
[Illidari]: ^Throw Glaive
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike
[Illidari]: ^Fel Rush
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <966.9268, 1416.295, -67.10962>
[Illidari]: ^Throw Glaive
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike
[Illidari]: ^Fel Rush
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <963.3437, 1419.403, -66.10077>
[Illidari]: ~Blur
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike
[Illidari]: ^Throw Glaive
[Illidari]: ~Darkness
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike
[Illidari]: *Vengeful Retreat
[Illidari]: ~Chaos Nova
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <970.8497, 1419.792, -66.31851>
[Illidari]: ^Throw Glaive
[Illidari]: ^Fel Rush
[Illidari]: ^Chaos Strike

ebug]: Number of new units: 0
Not in game
Selected talents for Demon Hunter Havoc
Selected talents for Demon Hunter Havoc
Not in game
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <-856.8558, 4404.069, 743.0496>
Latency to Buddy service: 42 ms
Not in game
Latency to Buddy service: 42 ms
Not in game
Selected talents for Demon Hunter Havoc
Selected talents for Demon Hunter Havoc
Latency to Buddy service: 46 ms
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Latency to Buddy service: 47 ms
Latency to Buddy service: 42 ms