Hey all, here goes,
Bought HB some days ago, and when I try to load a file from buddystore it is all empty, cant even press anything, no profiles or nothing, so I asked my friends and they said their HB had many profiles in the store just after logging in. So I found some guides for setuping up and accessing buddystore.
BosslandGmbH:Getting Started with the Buddy Store (as a User) - The Buddy Wiki
Apparently I already had an account which I cant access, and when I try to get the lost password it says that my email is wrong, and when I try to do a new account with that email it says that it is already in use. So I cannot access buddystore homepage or in the bot, what can I possibly do to fix this?
Bought HB some days ago, and when I try to load a file from buddystore it is all empty, cant even press anything, no profiles or nothing, so I asked my friends and they said their HB had many profiles in the store just after logging in. So I found some guides for setuping up and accessing buddystore.
BosslandGmbH:Getting Started with the Buddy Store (as a User) - The Buddy Wiki
Apparently I already had an account which I cant access, and when I try to get the lost password it says that my email is wrong, and when I try to do a new account with that email it says that it is already in use. So I cannot access buddystore homepage or in the bot, what can I possibly do to fix this?