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Can you explain what is "Don't ninja nodes" option in GB2?


New Member
Oct 17, 2011
Ok... as the title says... I want to know what is this option.
I'm not dumb, i know what a ninja is, a person who rolls need for something they don't really need or even can't use... But what's is a ninja applied to mineral nodes?
When i'm farming manually, if a see a node, a go for it. I don't care if there's another miner nearby... The node is for the person who get there first...
So, basically, i want to know how this option works in GB2. I have recently found a lot of this messages in my log: "[Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Rich Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided". What does it mean? It means that it saw another player nearby and didn't got for it?
The reason i'm asking is that i'm having a problem lately. I have a private buyer and i sell him about 75 stacks of elementium ore per day. I used to leave the bot overnight and it used to collect all the stacks I need in about 6 hours. Recently, it has been taking about 9 hours to collect all the stacks, and i began to wonder why. When i checked out the log, i saw these messages...
Last night i was supervising the bot and i identified the other guy... he's using a bot as well, and i know this because he was flying the exact same route than me... We even made the exact same turns at the exact same spots... besides, i whispered him several times and he didn't reply. So basically, i'm dealing with another bot here, and it raises a lot my chances of being cached, because now i have to spend three more hours to get the quantity of stacks i need for my buyer...
I think it's a matter of time before one of us report the other... In fact, i have two choices right now... Either turn the "NINJA" option off or report him and stop botting for a while... That's basically why I need to know exactly what's gonna happen when i turn this option on.
Thanks in advance.
if that option is enabled it means that even is another player near to the node,Hb will ninja it

reporting people is not the way tho
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Ok... as the title says... I want to know what is this option.
I'm not dumb, i know what a ninja is, a person who rolls need for something they don't really need or even can't use... But what's is a ninja applied to mineral nodes?
When i'm farming manually, if a see a node, a go for it. I don't care if there's another miner nearby... The node is for the person who get there first...
So, basically, i want to know how this option works in GB2. I have recently found a lot of this messages in my log: "[Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Rich Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided". What does it mean? It means that it saw another player nearby and didn't got for it?
The reason i'm asking is that i'm having a problem lately. I have a private buyer and i sell him about 75 stacks of elementium ore per day. I used to leave the bot overnight and it used to collect all the stacks I need in about 6 hours. Recently, it has been taking about 9 hours to collect all the stacks, and i began to wonder why. When i checked out the log, i saw these messages...
Last night i was supervising the bot and i identified the other guy... he's using a bot as well, and i know this because he was flying the exact same route than me... We even made the exact same turns at the exact same spots... besides, i whispered him several times and he didn't reply. So basically, i'm dealing with another bot here, and it raises a lot my chances of being cached, because now i have to spend three more hours to get the quantity of stacks i need for my buyer...
I think it's a matter of time before one of us report the other... In fact, i have two choices right now... Either turn the "NINJA" option off or report him and stop botting for a while... That's basically why I need to know exactly what's gonna happen when i turn this option on.
Thanks in advance.
You may not be dumb, but you're thinking about the solution in the wrong way :)
"reporting" him won't solve much, as you'll find another person who eventually uses the same path as you are.
The Buddy community is big. It's to be expected when using public profiles.

And if you started to ninja nodes, you'll attract unwanted attention to your bot!
Just create your own profile OR switch zone :)
It doesn't have to do with the profiles themselves, but the resources... Even though if i make another profile, the situation won't change. Here's the problem: I'm thinking about reporting him because it's a matter of time before he reports me... I think i have an edge here, because i'm using a hunter, and i was able to track his exact movements by using my "tracking humans" skill... He's a warlock, so, it's harder for him to track me... But if he does, he will add me to his friends list (as I did) and he will know how exactly where I am, and how many hours... (as I know now about him).
So, It's just self-preservation... (Darwin style... lol...)
Now seriously, how do you deal with a situation like this one? What's the way out?
1) If I turn the "NINJA" option on, i will attract too much attention
2) If I create my own profile, nothing will change because the problem is not about the profile but the resources in the area.
3) If I do nothing, i will spend 3 more hours per day to get the amount of stacks I need, which is 50% more of the time i used to spend... (raising the risk of being reported myself)
4) If i stop botting, i will lose my private buyer, and all my income. (I don't sell gold, I just use it for myself, and i have just one account. I'm not greedy, I'm just trying to make my living).
5) If i report him, i will have to stop botting anyway... because Blizzard will keep an eye on me as well...
What would you do? Honestly...
If you report him, Blizzard will probably catch onto you too if you are using the same profile as he is (same coordinates and everything).
That's pretty low really. So instead of A farming somewhere else entirely, you are going to report someone who is just trying to do the same thing that you want to do ? How about do the mature thing and send him a message, work something out ? or if worse comes to worse scare him maybe ? Reporting him such like such a bitch thing to do considering its a video game...
Most people don't monitor their bot that close, and get paranoid about other people.
People bot.
There will be people mining where you are mining.

Just be lucky that there is just 1, not fucking 20 like my server.

So, no. He isn't going to track you. I don't see why you go out of your way to "track" his moves and shit. Just fucking let it go.
Trust me, a new profile will solve your problem and help you avoid the other guy.
At the very least, you won't be flying on the same height on the same path. So your bot won't be too obvious when flying from node to node :)
if you google right now "how to catch a botter guide" on google, all of them are going to same something to the tune of "Tries to mine a node, while your already on it" its a dead giveaway that your a bot, and a waste of time, since they are already there, the only time you'll get it, is if they are in combat, and then if your bot does swoop in and takes it, then your a jerk, and the REAL LIFE PERSON, or just pissed off botter will report you.

botting is fine, but when you start inconveniencing others, and then you become a burden on the community, (not only on the wow community, but the botting community as well) since the more people do that, the more wow players hate us, and try and kill us on sight like we are witches and its the 1800's. dont be a jerk and everyone will be better off.
You keep saying resources are the problem not the route. Sorry to say but you are about as wrong as it gets. Routes are the be all and end all. The resources you speak of spawn at different times at different rates...afaik...and if they don't there would be better gathering bots out there as in predicting where the next node will be.

Yes, another botter or human farmer will lower the chances you have of getting ores but not by the path they take. Reporting anyone is pretty low but if selling gold is your only income and you need it to keep your home or feed your family then fair enough. And yes before the retards start there are places in the world where people live that aren't as fortunate as you. But if you only want to report him because he is stealing 'your' ore...another misnomer, then your just a dick.

Hehheh, and in answer to your actual question. It means don't swoop down and take node if someone else is there :p
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Changing your path will do exactly what you want, and at the same time keep you a little safer.

Because you and he are on the same path, you will always leap frog each other, halving the effective nodes in your route. If you go in the reverse direction of him, or a totally different route, you will pick up far more nodes than you are now, and see him less often.

In each zone there is a minimum number of nodes in a zone, so if it's a heavily farmed zone (Uldum) your only chance is to be frequenting nodes that other people are not near. So as to get them as they spawn.

Following a public profile will result in you "being stuck in traffic" on your node routes.
1. Public profs are exactly that - public and shared. You cannot remove all players from your public GB path. New ones will keep coming and at the end, somebody will report you, because people are not stupid and some of them are pretty paranoid about their bots and will immediately know who opened that ticket. You won't like it when you end up on the business end of the stick.

2. Make a private GB profile. Seriously, it's not that hard, there are tuts on this, and you will be safer, too, while making just as much profit.

3. Coming to a botter community saying you are a botter who wants to report other botters sounds like a really stupid troll attempt.