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Can others really get you Unbanned?


New Member
Mar 24, 2013
Hey everyone. I just figured i would ask here and get some feed back.

I have seen on other sites people claming to " get accounts unbanned". The few i checked into sounded sketchy as hell for the sole reason they wanted money western union vs paypall. They have nice feed back on there walls and all that but lets admit it. If your in this Biz you are good at the internet and could of made it your life goal to make your self
look legit giving your self high fives from multi emails.

So my question is Has anyone had any luck getting a account thats perma banned restored? I have a few accounts i would like back and I'm sure you do too.
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If they are asking for money chances are its a scam. If people from the buddy forum are not able to get their accounts back, what makes you think these random people from the interwebs is gonna do any better? Better just not waste your time, youl get ripped off trust me.
Too many shady cunt bags now-a-day trying to scam for $$$$$.

well there from other popular forums used for xploits and gold trading lol best way i know to word it with out doing a .com and getting in trouble >_< Some of the dev's and "most Popular" script writers use these forums.
In my opinion, it?s only a "Cash- making- business". Sure, you want your accounts back. Especially if you invest lot of time and money into them.

None like you, can better appeal (your own) Accounts. That?s what I think. Sure they have Success on 10/ 100 Appeals. It?s depending on what kind of GM, sitting on the other side.

What could they do, what you can?t? They tell a little story and Blizzard believes it or not. Think there?s no 100% working solution, to get all Accounts back.

Only if they sit themselves on Blizzard?s chairs, they can give you a nearly 100% promise to get your Accounts back, if they want to.

Got two Accounts banned last Wednesday. Appealed both on myself and both turned, into 72h suspension. It will work or it won?t.

Not worth the money, I think. They can?t give you a guarantee to get your Accounts back. But you?ve to pay the money, if they?ve success or rather not.

Sorry for bad english, it?s not my native language :D
Logs override ban email, it's judged on logs most of the time and you may get lucky and get a guy who's in a good mode and give you a second chance.

I'm going to try my template D in my last chance ban email on my first account and see what happens (2 appeals denied within 15-30 minutes of application).
The only thing these "services" can provide is a decently worded email to Blizzard, in an attempt to make them take your case more seriously. A lot of the posts I've seen on these forums seem to be from users with a complete disregard for spelling, punctuation and grammar - if I were a GM and received a long paragraph of such jibberish, I would be less inclined to read it properly.

Also, a lot of sellers state that it's unlikely they can get your account back if you've already contacted Blizzard, probably because 1) it's difficult for them to pass off as you (different writing style etc) and 2) if it was possible to get your account back, your initial ticket(s) would've done the trick.

Don't waste your money.