== Saving Keybinds/Macros/UI Settings ==
Saving keybinds/macros/UI settings has changed a little. Most of the changes were on the backend to make things more in-line with our current architecture.
The main is difference is we no longer compare local versions with the server versions of keybinds/macros/UI settings to determine which ones to load on the client. Instead, we have local CVars that toggle looking at local files or server files. All clients default to server side storage. If you don’t want that, you can change the following CVars to only look at local files instead.
“synchronizeConfig” [0/1] – defaults to 1 which will save character & account UI configurations (i.e. CVars) to the server.
“synchronizeBindings” [0/1] – defaults to 1 which will save character & account keybindings to the server.
“synchronizeMacros” [0/1] – defaults to 1 which will save character & account macros to the server.
“synchronizeSettings” [0/1] – defaults to 1 which will save all character & account information to the server (this is exactly like setting the previous three to 1 or 0).