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can anyone please help me with this


New Member
May 1, 2014
can anyone provide me with a working sader combat profile. that will use steed charge correctly with this build?


atm normal trinity even with use Steed charge in combat clicked it wont cast it all the time its very rarely itll auto attack til bombardment and or sheild glare are off cooldown
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if you want it to spam steed charge in combat just go to trinity/combat/crusader tab and its right at the top along with cast OOC
did you even read my post fully before replying?
i plainly said it doesnt do it even with it clicked itll cast it then itll wait like 10-15 seconds before itll cast it again even OOC is the same way.
I'm 99% sure you don't have the requisite gear for the IsBombardmentBuild to return true.

                return Skills.Crusader.Bombardment.IsActive && Legendary.BeltOfTheTrove.IsEquipped &&
                       !Skills.Crusader.Punish.IsActive &&
                       // Including LoN Bombardment build that uses Mortal Drama,
                       (Legendary.TheMortalDrama.IsEquipped ||
                        // Pony builds that use Norvald's Fervor
                        Sets.NorvaldsFavor.IsFullyEquipped ||
                        // Phalanx LoN build that uses Phalanx boosting items
                        Legendary.WarhelmOfKassar.IsEquipped && Legendary.UnrelentingPhalanx.IsEquipped &&
                        Legendary.EternalUnion.IsEquipped ||
                       // or just some generic variation that uses Ingeom
                       Legendary.Ingeom.IsEquipped ||

And because of that, you're using the default system which isn't optimized for SteedCharge etc