The correct answer is 'possibly'. Technically,
it depends on the author of the CR.
The contract for Buddy Store developers only requires them to support a product for 18 months OR 'the next expansion'. This is only fair, because Bliz is notorious for completely changing class mechanics at each expansion. This pretty much requires a complete rewrite of a CR from the ground up. So most of the time, a CR for a new expansion is a new product.
Bliz also places significant burden on profile writers in a new expansion. They notorously fiddle with the quests in many zones:
- In the starting zones, they retool the quests to teach the new class mechanics.
- They rework storyline quests to make the storyline coherent in the new expansion's context.
- They introduce (or remove) entire quest chains.
- They significantly alter the terrain in some zones.
Because of all the
substantial rework required for the Store developers for an expansion, the Bossland GmbH contract releases Store developers from the support constraints on existing products. But because the Bossland contract
allows this, does not mean an author must take advantage of it.
In fact, we expect that many authors will wish to maximize their good will by continuing to support products in their existing form. Just be aware they are
doing their customers a favor by doing this, and you should be aware of this courtesy. An 'entitlement mentality' is a quick way to change their mind, and encourage them to start charging for the new product.
You can find out more about the constraints Bossland GmbH places on the Buddy Store developers in this article: