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Buy Game Time with Gold

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Feb 11, 2010
I have seen talk about buying game time with gold in-game. I saw talk on the WoW forums about alot of the sells being scams with stolen credit cards. i was wondering If you guys sell gold for time and how you do it.

Are there any safe (ish) ways of getting game time with gold?

Any other general comments would be helpful too.
I have done it, actually I did it today. I bought 2mths worth for 12k. I make sure I get the activation code and put it in and if it works I pay the man.
i get my game time with ingame gold got it on all my accounts cost me 45k gold for each acc for 6months so 45k for 6months time aint bad,it gets done by using RAF
i cant even get 60 days game card for 45k gold.if its not that special can you tell where you trade with?
Be fore Warned. I bought one RAF from a lvl hunter spamming trade chat for the rocket mount and i think this is what got my main account banned. I did get the account back by virtually crying in a appeal ticket.
Where do you meet the guys that sell game time for gold? Share please! :p
its not hard to find...not sure if im allowed to say to go to another site but go to ownedcore and go to their trading section and there is a very reputable seller there that I have personally bought over a year of RAF gametime from
its not hard to find...not sure if im allowed to say to go to another site but go to ownedcore and go to their trading section and there is a very reputable seller there that I have personally bought over a year of RAF gametime from

I don't know if it was the same person as you buy from, but I just bought 2 months of game time plus decided to go ahead and get a rocket for my pally... and it cost me $23 - plus I had to send him 2 RAF invites... one from each of my 2 accounts. Got my game time and rocket within the next 30 minutes... worked great - since it's so cheap, I may just buy time for all my accounts (have 3 for my family plus my 'new account').

Thanks for the hookup!
Could either of you pm me the info? I need to buy 2 60 days and don't mind sending raf.
the person asking you to RAF him... is because all he is doing is paying 1 month or 2 ect on his MAIN account and you get 1 month free or w.e lol so your lossing out.

I'll explain how this works.

Main Account A
Botting Account B

You send a RAF from your BOT account B to your main account A e-mail.

when you click on the e-mail it will ask you if you have an existing battle.net
so you put yes and you put your Main Account A e-mail.

So now your Main Account A has your main account AND the new TRIAL recruit a friend that you sent to yourself from your botting account.

All you do now is add time to your MAIN account and not the TRIAL account and you get 1 free month on your botting account.

So basicly for 1 month you pay you get 1 free...

the way it SHOULD work... is once you the person adds time to the NEW RAF (trial) account then you get the month.. but there's a bug with it.. ever since Blizzard intruduced the free BC upgrade to all classic accounts it glitched.
I'm confused so I should send myself an raf email from my main account to my trial account? How would I get 2 months from that? Sorry I'm a bit confused.
yeah its confusing I'll explain a bit more.

Usually the way RAF works is...

#1 I recruit you
#2 You get a new trial account
#3 You add a regular wow code (then I get a message saying you upgraded your trial account to regular)
#4 You pay for 1 month on your RAF account ( I get 1 free month)

The way the exploit works is...

When I send you a RAF

#1 You click on the link
#2 It asks you to make a new battle.net or to use existing one.
#3 You choose "I already have a Battle.net
#4 In your existing battle.net you should have your MAIN wow account and the NEW RAF account labeled (Trial)
#5 Instead of upgrading the TRIAL (RAF) account and PAYING 1 month on theTRIAL (RAF) account... you pay 1 Month on your EXISTING wow account
#6 When you do that it tricks the system into thinking you paid 1 month on the NEW (RAF) accont which you didn't so you pay $15 for 1 month on your MAIN account and 1 free month on your BOTTING account
Its a great way to get more accounts.. I use a guy who sells 1 month gt for 10k any realm... Usually gives me discounts + mounts.. Also will do diablo3. all dont through guild.bank in small.increments so not to be detected. Hes a star.
Cd keys are around 40k each.

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