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Bug: German Wow Version Drinks with "?"


Community Developer
Jan 15, 2010
Hi all,

in the german version of WoW if you want to use drinks with ? word in it, like "Ges??te Ziegenmilch" Honorbuddy shuts down!

Maybe you could fix that?
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propably you mean Honorbuddy
you can use item id instead of the name
Hi mein Freund, ich empfehle dir WoW auf englisch umzustellen. So hast du die wenigsten Probleme.
Gehe dazu bitte in die Accountverwaltung auf der WoW-Seite, logge dich ein und w?hle World of Warcraft aus.
Im folgenden Fenster wirst du in der Mitte deine Lizensinformationen wie "Lizenzstatus: Aktiv" etc. finden. Unterhalb davon findest du einen Globus, neben dem Sprachpakete steht. Lade dir bitte das Englische herunter und installiere es.

Nachdem du es installiert hast, starte den WoW Luncher und klicke unten links auf Optionen und w?hle Voreinstellung f?r Spielen.
Nun ganz unten links auf Englisch umstellen und dein Spiel startet in englisch.

Damit du aber weiterhin entspannt auf deutsch spielen kannst, empfehle ich dir eine Kopie von World of Warcraft zu machen. So kannst du eine Version immer auf englisch und eine auf deutsch spielen.
Bitte beachte, dass du einige Patches neu herunterl?dst, wenn du auf englisch umstellst. Es kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, jedoch lohnt sich die Umstellunug.

Wenn du noch Fragen hast, melde dich einfach.

Gr??e Dalees

Here the english version for our english members^^

Hi my friend
I suggest you to switch WoW to the english version. So you will have lesser problems.
Please visit the WoW-pages, login to your acccountmanagement and choose World of Warcraft.
In the next window you will seen in it's center things like Licenceinformation "Licencestatus Activ" etc.
Underneath of it you can see a globe, you can read languagepacks aside of it.
Please download the english pack and install it.

After you've installed it start the WoW Luncher and click lower leftside at settings and choose Game Perference.
Now you can adjust your game to english by clicking lower leftside and switching the language.

Because of that you still want to play WoW in german I suggest you to make a copy of World of Warfraft so you allways have a german and an english version.
Please note that you'll download some patches too if you will swichtch the language. This maybe takes some time.

If you still have any questions, feel free to contact me in here.

Greetings Dalees
Hi all,

in the german version of WoW if you want to use drinks with ? word in it, like "Ges??te Ziegenmilch" GatherBuddy shuts down!

Maybe you could fix that?

We never supported german language of WOW, please do the way which Dalees described
you'll expierience much more troubles if you use the german client.

Most reactions (like turning towards the mob) are triggered by red error codes on the screen "YOU ARE NOT FACING THE MOB" (... or whatever) - so your gemran toon will never turn,... so it would be the best to install a language pack
you'll expierience much more troubles if you use the german client.

Most reactions (like turning towards the mob) are triggered by red error codes on the screen "YOU ARE NOT FACING THE MOB" (... or whatever) - so your gemran toon will never turn,... so it would be the best to install a language pack

With other words: Use for botting this english version or forgett it^^
Thank you all kindly for your help!

Anyway i was wondering about that because i used the german client so far and for many levels :-) without any problems!

But it?s okay to switch for botting to english client, i will do that!

Thanks so far!
Ich benutze die Deutsche Version wenn ich mit Gatherbuddy farme und wenn gelevelt wird die Englische. So hab ich bis heute keine Probs gehabt.


While botting with GB i use the German WoW Client, with HB the English.
yeah and once you installed a language pack you can easily switch languages in the launcher options
Thank you all kindly for your help!

Anyway i was wondering about that because i used the german client so far and for many levels :-) without any problems!

But it?s okay to switch for botting to english client, i will do that!

Thanks so far!

Sometimes it runs good sometimes not. It's depending on what you are doing.