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New Member
Jan 28, 2010
So I am slightly frustrated I purchased this bot for a year a while ago though it was so buggy it was basically useless. Hence meaning I wasted all that money. I have since then purchased a temp pass to see how its functioning these days. Besides the casino plugin I don't understand the value in this bot.

The developers seem to have jumped ship to bigger and better projects that rightfully so deserve their attention. The game has had 12x Class experience missions yet none of them are fully functional. I know this post comes off super harsh and I apologize for that I guess I would just like to know what the plans for this bot are.

Excluding the top 5 posts the rest haven't been bumped in over 6 months. Is is it safe there is just no demand to fix this?
Botdevelopers are still around and so are the profiledevs.
It's just taking alot of time to create good profiles.
And yeah also interest. I have now more interest in doing 12xXP by hand then by bot.
You could have asked for a refund back then and not have wasted a single penny.
The community is small, that's why there aren't big updates to any of this as its mostly a one or two man show.
Botdevelopers are still around and so are the profiledevs.
It's just taking alot of time to create good profiles.
And yeah also interest. I have now more interest in doing 12xXP by hand then by bot.
You could have asked for a refund back then and not have wasted a single penny.
The community is small, that's why there aren't big updates to any of this as its mostly a one or two man show.

Thank you for an expedient response. I didn't ask for a refund back at the time because I was a big honorbuddy user and really felt the end was right around the corner. There was a very large lack of transparency in the development of the bot at that time. Because I had faith in your other product I misplaced it in this one unfortunately. Once again I know that this sounds all negative but its genuinely not intended to. I know your saying the profile devs are around but I have yet to see any legit support for 50-55 let alone 55-60 these level increases have been out for a very long time now. I am no full fledged developer but if there was a thoruugh guide on how to use the tool set and basics behind the profile writing may be myself or others might be inclined to help further development especially if there is an option for a paid plugin/profile similiar to honorbuddy.
Most of the daily profiles work quite well. The shadow of Revan pack works well, but must be monitored. Yes, the bot still has issues, but these guys are doing what they can.

As mentioned above, with the 12x EXP bonus, its quicker/easier to level by hand. In some instances, I just use the default combat routine and pickup the quests manually.

At max levels, the farming options work quite well.
The game has had 12x Class experience missions yet none of them are fully functional. I know this post comes off super harsh and I apologize for that I guess I would just like to know what the plans for this bot are.

You don't really have to apologize for critical feedback. As for the bot; let me start off by saying that SWTOR as a game is an absolute nightmare to work with. The game's not consistent, and internally performs all sorts of black magic we do our best co compensate for, but not always can.

Having said that we, in similar fashion to Honorbuddy, have aimed to provide our users and the community with a platform to develop profiles for to automate certain tasks in the game. The community for HB is far larger than it is for BW, and there is a lot more interest from developers being drawn to that bot as well. Regardless of BW's very poor initial launch, we decided to keep the bot alive and keep it working for game updates across expansions. That decision (now) was proven correct, as the game's gaining momentum and BW's community is as well as a result.

We can not dedicate enough time to maintain our projects, work on new things, and dedicate ourselves to playing the games and writing profiles for them full time - there simply isn't enough time in a day for us to do that and we are still a relatively small team who work together across projects. We have to rely on the community and the enthusiasts to do that beyond the initial profile pack Kick developed.

That's really as honest a reply I can give you, and if you are still concerned with the bot not being flawless, I share those concerns. Unfortunately, there is only so much we can do about it. We try our best to give you the best platform out there for botting SWTOR, and if you don't feel our platform for doing that is good enough, then I can respect that.
You don't really have to apologize for critical feedback. As for the bot; let me start off by saying that SWTOR as a game is an absolute nightmare to work with. The game's not consistent, and internally performs all sorts of black magic we do our best co compensate for, but not always can.

Having said that we, in similar fashion to Honorbuddy, have aimed to provide our users and the community with a platform to develop profiles for to automate certain tasks in the game. The community for HB is far larger than it is for BW, and there is a lot more interest from developers being drawn to that bot as well. Regardless of BW's very poor initial launch, we decided to keep the bot alive and keep it working for game updates across expansions. That decision (now) was proven correct, as the game's gaining momentum and BW's community is as well as a result.

We can not dedicate enough time to maintain our projects, work on new things, and dedicate ourselves to playing the games and writing profiles for them full time - there simply isn't enough time in a day for us to do that and we are still a relatively small team who work together across projects. We have to rely on the community and the enthusiasts to do that beyond the initial profile pack Kick developed.

That's really as honest a reply I can give you, and if you are still concerned with the bot not being flawless, I share those concerns. Unfortunately, there is only so much we can do about it. We try our best to give you the best platform out there for botting SWTOR, and if you don't feel our platform for doing that is good enough, then I can respect that.

I truly value you guys transparency whole heartedly. I think you kinda hit the sweet spot though in explaining why the bot was so broken initially (I had heard rumors that SWTOR was poor written never from a dev though) Still stings to pay for a year I couldn't use so possibly I am a little more jaded than I need to be. I was just so frustratitaed that its a premium product with a high price tag for its current state. No official 50-55 support and that content is almost 2 years old. Like I stated previously is there anyway you could take a moment and either point to so resources, YouTube, write-up, anything to show how the profiles are generated and possibly standard best practices for this? I'm familiar with some basic frontend design and I've kinda read through some of the profiles but I would love to contribute if their was solid documentation that I could find to create functional profiles.
I truly value you guys transparency whole heartedly. I think you kinda hit the sweet spot though in explaining why the bot was so broken initially (I had heard rumors that SWTOR was poor written never from a dev though) Still stings to pay for a year I couldn't use so possibly I am a little more jaded than I need to be. I was just so frustratitaed that its a premium product with a high price tag for its current state. No official 50-55 support and that content is almost 2 years old. Like I stated previously is there anyway you could take a moment and either point to so resources, YouTube, write-up, anything to show how the profiles are generated and possibly standard best practices for this? I'm familiar with some basic frontend design and I've kinda read through some of the profiles but I would love to contribute if their was solid documentation that I could find to create functional profiles.

This hitted me too, really.
I love SWTOR and what the devs can do with thier spare time.. Well, it amaze me. I wish that I could contribute more myself as I've seen
how small our community is, I just started to use this but I still feel like I want to help everyone here, my thoughts about this is
if I help someone, then that person maybe can help someone else so our community is growing (: and I hope you do too.
When I got into SWTOR again (I started to play back in 2011, didnt bot then tho) I noticed this too, as you add in your OP above, it felt very 'broken' somehow as I was just to used to use Honorbuddy, but I gave it a chance and now I'm running with it pretty good, sure I hit some bumps but its not a game-breaker.

I've just started to make some profiles myself, never did this for HB back when I played WoW, never had to considering that community is
very large as stated before in this thread. So I'm very new to making profiles but I'm reading, learning.. And some day I might upload my
stuffs too so others can tweak and use them.

I'd like to say THANK YOU! To our Devs, as I know the player-base here aint big, but still having this 'project' alive, really.. Thanks!
I will get stuck to this game for sure and will support both the devs and the community as best as I can.

To be continued.. // Kabeewm.
I'd like to say THANK YOU! To our Devs, as I know the player-base here aint big, but still having this 'project' alive, really.. Thanks!
I will get stuck to this game for sure and will support both the devs and the community as best as I can.

To be continued.. // Kabeewm.

Thanks, that's awesome to hear :)
You don't really have to apologize for critical feedback. As for the bot; let me start off by saying that SWTOR as a game is an absolute nightmare to work with. The game's not consistent, and internally performs all sorts of black magic we do our best co compensate for, but not always can.

Having said that we, in similar fashion to Honorbuddy, have aimed to provide our users and the community with a platform to develop profiles for to automate certain tasks in the game. The community for HB is far larger than it is for BW, and there is a lot more interest from developers being drawn to that bot as well. Regardless of BW's very poor initial launch, we decided to keep the bot alive and keep it working for game updates across expansions. That decision (now) was proven correct, as the game's gaining momentum and BW's community is as well as a result.

We can not dedicate enough time to maintain our projects, work on new things, and dedicate ourselves to playing the games and writing profiles for them full time - there simply isn't enough time in a day for us to do that and we are still a relatively small team who work together across projects. We have to rely on the community and the enthusiasts to do that beyond the initial profile pack Kick developed.

That's really as honest a reply I can give you, and if you are still concerned with the bot not being flawless, I share those concerns. Unfortunately, there is only so much we can do about it. We try our best to give you the best platform out there for botting SWTOR, and if you don't feel our platform for doing that is good enough, then I can respect that.

Is not like i dont appreciate your work Aevitas but I must point to the fact the honorbuddy has documentation published from years. In SWTOR is a pain to dig for information and create useful pluggins. Create path is easy using KICK examples, but the problem is when you need to use the buddywing API and create profiles. All we know is from China&team work on WingIT and few pioneers like Joe and AMA examples. Maybe with a proper documentation like http://docs.honorbuddy.com maybe more ppl will try to create & share usefull pluggins. Also lack of answers in developers forum will just push people away from the bot.