Hi there,
Im starting a lvl70 twink rogue and i want to get Dual Warglaive of Azzinoth on him, Im just wondering if its possible to solo BT fully with 3 guys 2 85s and 1 70, so far im thinking my 85 Blood DK and a 85 Healer, then i come on my rogue. Is this possible, if so whats the best way? , best classes to do it with? Can 3 char solo it? Has any1 done it.
Im starting a lvl70 twink rogue and i want to get Dual Warglaive of Azzinoth on him, Im just wondering if its possible to solo BT fully with 3 guys 2 85s and 1 70, so far im thinking my 85 Blood DK and a 85 Healer, then i come on my rogue. Is this possible, if so whats the best way? , best classes to do it with? Can 3 char solo it? Has any1 done it.