Hey everyone, I'm having some issues running bounties with DB. If I select the Adventurer profile for Bounties, the game constantly loads and then exits instantly and continues to loop this indefinitely. I get the following message whenever I try:
[Trinity 2.14.30] Bot Starting
[Trinity 2.14.30] Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[Trinity 2.14.30] Replacing Combat Hook
[Trinity 2.14.30] Replacing VendorRun Hook
[Trinity 2.14.30] Replacing Loot Hook
[Trinity 2.14.30] Inserting GoldInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.14.30] Inserting XPInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.14.30] Bot Starting, Resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:50 Combat:True KillRadius:50
Leaving game, reason: Done
Last run acquired -58540484 gold.
[Trinity 2.14.30] New Game - resetting everything
[Trinity 2.14.30] New Game, resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
Now I've gone into the advanced settings for Trinity and disabled Gold Inactivity, but it still resets.
Seeing as I couldn't get Bounties to work, I tried the CycleBountiesAndRifts profile, but this just constantly loops grifts. Grifts are running perfectly, but it never selects bounties. Any advice? I am out of my comfort zone here and appreciate any help.
[Trinity 2.14.30] Bot Starting
[Trinity 2.14.30] Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[Trinity 2.14.30] Replacing Combat Hook
[Trinity 2.14.30] Replacing VendorRun Hook
[Trinity 2.14.30] Replacing Loot Hook
[Trinity 2.14.30] Inserting GoldInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.14.30] Inserting XPInactivity into TreeStart
[Trinity 2.14.30] Bot Starting, Resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:50 Combat:True KillRadius:50
Leaving game, reason: Done
Last run acquired -58540484 gold.
[Trinity 2.14.30] New Game - resetting everything
[Trinity 2.14.30] New Game, resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
Now I've gone into the advanced settings for Trinity and disabled Gold Inactivity, but it still resets.
Seeing as I couldn't get Bounties to work, I tried the CycleBountiesAndRifts profile, but this just constantly loops grifts. Grifts are running perfectly, but it never selects bounties. Any advice? I am out of my comfort zone here and appreciate any help.
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