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New Member
Nov 3, 2012
Hi there, So i just hit level 85 on my druid.. and i was thinking about botting it the rest of the way (used raf to 80 and the grindspot in deepholm to get to 85) And i was wondering if it "Safe" To bot using kicks or grind bot right now (have any of you guys gotten banned for it)
Cause ive seen alot of people getting banned recently i just wanna hear your thoughts about it!
Botting is not safe - period.

Farming and grinding is suicide atm.

Combatbot seems to be the safest, but that means you still will have to move your toons and initiate combat.

Questbot should be relatively safe - but make sure you monitor your bot on a regular basis - not one profile is 100% AFK-able and every once in a while your toon will end up trying to run against a wall or something. And there are many players out there (botters?) that are all too eager to report you to get you banned.
Hello there,

During this GB2 downtime I SOR'd one of my old farmer accounts I have had inactive for a long time (I created it, not a random SOR acct), and have been leveling it from 80 using kicks. Apart from some HB / Profile hiccups I have had no problems, and so far have not been hit. I have been botting 5-8 hours a day since the first of the month.

Hope this helps.
yes it's safe. just can't leave the bot afk for hour and can't run it for 10 hours in a row.
Botting is not safe - period.

Farming and grinding is suicide atm.

I am testing GB2 atm, and still didn't recive the ban. It's all about server-side detection and statistics.

Questbot should be relatively safe - but make sure you monitor your bot on a regular basis - not one profile is 100% AFK-able and every once in a while your toon will end up trying to run against a wall or something. And there are many players out there (botters?) that are all too eager to report you to get you banned.

I can't really say for questing bcs I haven't tested it out yet, but many ppl say they get banned for using kick's on fresh accounts for long periods of time.

P.S. Also I think they went hardcore with SoRs, they seem to investigate SoR account ownerships asap after they get added to new bnet account. So I don't think I will be buying one anytime soon.
I am testing GB2 atm, and still didn't recive the ban. It's all about server-side detection and statistics.

Hence not safe .. and I think you're right - it would explain those "quasi-random" bans.

Blizzard seem to be collecting information about your toon's behaviour (most probably way-point analysis) and, over time, the statistics will hit some kind of threshold, which triggers a ban.

Which would mean that it doesn't make any difference whether you bot for an hour a day or 24/7 .. statistically you will eventually hit the cumulative threshold, resulting in an auto-ban.

At least, that's my theory.
Hence not safe .. and I think you're right - it would explain those "quasi-random" bans.

Blizzard seem to be collecting information about your toon's behaviour (most probably way-point analysis) and, over time, the statistics will hit some kind of threshold, which triggers a ban.

Which would mean that it doesn't make any difference whether you bot for an hour a day or 24/7 .. statistically you will eventually hit the cumulative threshold, resulting in an auto-ban.

At least, that's my theory.

You are mostly right, I looked for the article I read about this and I finaly found it again :P, my theory is completly based on this article.
In other words, it's completly safe to bot up to 4-5 hours daily (only my speculation) if you make a smart route. If you only farm constantly on 1 spot it's an instant ban. The article is a bit long and boring on some parts
but it would be very useful to read it all if you have any intentions on continuing the "gold making" via HB.

Here is a quote from it that might be interested to many of you:

"Abstracting the Route Representation
and Finding Repetitions

Next, we use the set of waypoints to create an abstracted and simplified route representation. We do
this by iterating over the initial sequence of dots and,
for each dot, recording the corresponding waypoint
that the bot passes along the way. When a dot has no
waypoint, we simply move on. Because each waypoint is uniquely identified, a sequence of waypoints
can describe a route, as Figure 1c shows. This description is called a movement sequence."

P.S. I am still working on perfecting the solution with some other ppl from this and other forums. I am not going to share my profiles with you but I can give you a nice tip or two on how to make your own. Also I would be very grateful if some1 knows some stuff that I don't and would like to share it with me. I am still new to this so yh, help is always good.

Also if some1 has knoledge in creating of plugins I would be very much grateful if he can msg me, I have an awsome idea that was passed to me by a person from this forum aswell.
Don't use gatherbuddy2 its detected

I am getting tired of explaining to you kids that the bot is not detected, it's the way you use it. Sure go tell me I am an idiot but when I say "the way you use it" I mean you can't bot 24/7 anymore. You can bot few ours if you are smart, if you are not you will get instant ban.
Perfecting the solution with some other ppl from this and other forums. I am not going to share my profiles with you but I can give you a nice tip or two on how to make your own. Also I would be very grateful if some1 knows some stuff that I don't and would like to share it with me. I am still new to this so yh, help is always good.

Also if some1 has knoledge in creating of plugins I would be very much grateful if he can msg me, I have an awsome idea that was passed to me by a person from this forum aswell.

See the part where ge says he will share tips and asks for help from anyone kind enough to help ? Its bullshit , if you Pm him he gives you the run around , wont help , give tips or anything of the kind. Elitist kids ftw.
But hey he could use your help ...
See the part where ge says he will share tips and asks for help from anyone kind enough to help ? Its bullshit , if you Pm him he gives you the run around , wont help , give tips or anything of the kind. Elitist kids ftw.
But hey he could use your help ...

Yes bcs I hate leechers, that was refering to guys/girls from the forum that are actually active and want to do sth about this. You have 35posts in 2 years and after looking at your profile none of them were helpful/nice, all you do is ask around and demand stuff, well guess what I don't trust you as I stated in my msg.

There are people on this forum that are actually talking about this from very start and actually can think straight unlike you, also the fact of your low inteligence is assuming I am a kid bcs of my forum nick... help the community and it will help you back.
help the community and it will help you back.

True.. but to call ppl "kids" in a way you do is a bit degrading.
So that doesn't help either.

Always be friendly and correct in attitude, regardless how helpful you would like to be.

Happy botting :)
So the question we all have: What is still safe? How can we keep safe when botting?