My bots run in VM-Workstation guests using the same OS, - Windows 7 64bit -, like the host. . Each (1 Core, 1 GB, 3D accel.) connected from "inside" to the internet via an openvpn tunnels as the default Gateway. Means, they all run on one maschine in jails which different public IPs. If anybody is interested, I could make an virtual appliance for vmware-player. ;-) - One cool thing I've found out is, that you can make symbolic links like in linux/unix, even on directories.
something like mklink
mklink \\myserver\Data 'c:\World of Warcraft\Data' /d
mklink \\\Data 'c:\World of Warcraft\Data' /d
So I shared this 25 GB in Data from one ssd harddisk on the host to all of the guests through the local virtual network.
The background was, that I don't want any of my bots playing from my home IP and also all ar capsulated.
good night & good luck
something like mklink
mklink \\myserver\Data 'c:\World of Warcraft\Data' /d
mklink \\\Data 'c:\World of Warcraft\Data' /d
So I shared this 25 GB in Data from one ssd harddisk on the host to all of the guests through the local virtual network.
The background was, that I don't want any of my bots playing from my home IP and also all ar capsulated.
good night & good luck
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