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Botting Once level 100 ?


New Member
Apr 28, 2016

What should i bot once im level 100 ? im at level 91 now.
I was wondering what i should bot to make some decent gold with a low ban rate ?
Do you guys have any tips for me ? Is Mining good for an example ? xD
Im pretty new to WoW + Botting lolz.
I think "farming" is not low ban rate.

I just do garrisson/daily tanaan on every char every day its probably around 1-5k gold each char each day, never banned. (I have 10 chars).
Garrisonboss has botmanager functonality, ther you can tell garissonboss to do quests. Then when you get garison he also do the garison work.
Thanks for all your reply,s guys even though i dont understand the most things lolz.
I have much to learn in WoW xD!
Take you time mate.. Don't do long stints of afk botting until you got your head around what's going on
Take you time mate.. Don't do long stints of afk botting until you got your head around what's going on

Thanks! :)
Yea im just doing quests now with some breaks, trying to reach lvl 100.
Btw are there level 100 scripts on the store/Forum already ? If so when i reach lvl 100 i can use them to do the quests ? :D
I have no idea what you want to do, first you should try to explain what you want to do.

"to do the quests" WHICH? What you want to do???

If you jsut want to level to 100 just use the builtin auto loader for quests.
Take you time mate.. Don't do long stints of afk botting until you got your head around what's going on

This advice should be shown upon purchase and should require a "I read and understood this" checkbox. :D
I think "farming" is not low ban rate.

I just do garrisson/daily tanaan on every char every day its probably around 1-5k gold each char each day, never banned. (I have 10 chars).
How long does it usually take you to finish garrison/daily tanaan with all those chars? Also is it hard to reach that point to make 1k+ per day this way (I am now to WoW don't really know what you are talking about, sorry)?
like me he wants to know once you hit level 100 can you get the bot to keep questing and complete all level 100 quests. without having to manually load profiles every hour or when theyve completed.
like me he wants to know once you hit level 100 can you get the bot to keep questing and complete all level 100 quests. without having to manually load profiles every hour or when theyve completed.

I actually want to know how much time I would have to invest to hit that point where I can make 1k+ gold per day with multiple chars and how long it takes to finish everything with 10 chars for him. :D
Îf the profiles would work i think no longer as 30 min per char.

But the profile doesn't work or do I get it wrong? Also let's say I buy the all in one package that should cover everything I need right? Would I have to create my own profiles or what would I have to do? I'm really sorry BTW I should do more research for this it's okay if you don't respond since this could probably easily be avoid if I would do research.
But the profile doesn't work or do I get it wrong? Also let's say I buy the all in one package that should cover everything I need right? Would I have to create my own profiles or what would I have to do? I'm really sorry BTW I should do more research for this it's okay if you don't respond since this could probably easily be avoid if I would do research.
Some time some char get stuck on a tree or accepting a quest fail...
Hi, i'm upping this thread as i don't want to create a new one only for this.

Can you please tell me if there is a way to disable auto-loader/checkpoints? My aim is to complete as many quests as possible with a toon that is already lvl 100 (including vanilla/BC/LK/cata/Pandaria quests). Thx for the answer!
Hi, i'm upping this thread as i don't want to create a new one only for this.

Can you please tell me if there is a way to disable auto-loader/checkpoints? My aim is to complete as many quests as possible with a toon that is already lvl 100 (including vanilla/BC/LK/cata/Pandaria quests). Thx for the answer!

same as what i want to know, although i just want to complete all level 100 quests for rep/gold without loading multiple profiles manually