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- Jan 15, 2010
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First and foremost this F.A.Q. is not a full compilation, but rather is build with what I think is the most common questions for botting and gold selling. This is not a guide, and this is not a solution to all your problems.
Now with that been said, I put this F.A.Q. toghether to have a point of reference for everyone asking about botting/gold selling. If I miss anything please, please, please send them to me and I will gladly add them with you credit
Q. Can I make a living botting/gold selling?
A. A living NO. You can make some cash, some real cash. But you need more in your operation than just bots.
Q. Why gold is going so low?
A. Despite what many people will say, the major factor for this, is the increase in botters flooding the market.
Q. What can I do to get the most money for my gold?
A. While I can't teach you how to make business I will give you a few pointers.
* Buy the gold from new botters for cheap, resell it (That's why you need more than just bot in your operation).
* There is a gold coallition been formed here in the forum, maybe try that. (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/general-discussion-forum/38559-idea-gold-selling-coalition.html) << Link
* Get your own buyers, the Chinese would give you the cheapest price. Go around them
* Come up with new ideas to get the new comers hooked on your gold.
* Don't spam trade selling gold. People don't like spam.
* Be secretive, be selective, be reasonable.
Q. What profession makes the most gold?
A. Every server is different, try having all of them. Find your niche.
Q. What class is better for farming?
A. While druids are great for herbs, pallies/dk's are great for all since they have mount speed increase as well as hunters. But like I mention before, why only farm?
Q. How I can make gold by botting?
A. Botting doesn't make you gold. Botting allows you to collect resources for you to sell and make gold.
Q. Auction House Addon, what to use?
A. This is a preference. There is 3 major players as for now. You need to try them and see witch one you like. They are:
* Auctioneer - Is a great addon, lots of functions. (I personally think is a memory hog)
* Auctionator - Light weight, fast simple manager. (Doesn't have extensive tools but is agile)
* TradeSkillMaster - All around great tool, excellent UI. Learning curve is not bad. (Takes a few to set up, but grat tool)
Q. What can I do to avoid been scam using paypal?
A. Many options are available for you to protect yourself. You selling digital goods. Read paypal policy. But in short, tell your buyers to pay you using a generated link. Generate the link and give to them, make them review your order by email.
Q. What is the safest form of botting?
A. All botting forms are risky. That been said, make your toon look more human managed like questing, dailies, talk, troll, play the account X amount of hours per day.
Q. Should I report other botters to lower my competition?
A. If you do this, you should get a can of gas and a lighter.
Q. Where I can sell my gold?
A. There is hundreds of places will buy your gold for cheap.
Now with that been said, I put this F.A.Q. toghether to have a point of reference for everyone asking about botting/gold selling. If I miss anything please, please, please send them to me and I will gladly add them with you credit

Q. Can I make a living botting/gold selling?
A. A living NO. You can make some cash, some real cash. But you need more in your operation than just bots.
Q. Why gold is going so low?
A. Despite what many people will say, the major factor for this, is the increase in botters flooding the market.
Q. What can I do to get the most money for my gold?
A. While I can't teach you how to make business I will give you a few pointers.
* Buy the gold from new botters for cheap, resell it (That's why you need more than just bot in your operation).
* There is a gold coallition been formed here in the forum, maybe try that. (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/general-discussion-forum/38559-idea-gold-selling-coalition.html) << Link
* Get your own buyers, the Chinese would give you the cheapest price. Go around them

* Come up with new ideas to get the new comers hooked on your gold.
* Don't spam trade selling gold. People don't like spam.
* Be secretive, be selective, be reasonable.
Q. What profession makes the most gold?
A. Every server is different, try having all of them. Find your niche.
Q. What class is better for farming?
A. While druids are great for herbs, pallies/dk's are great for all since they have mount speed increase as well as hunters. But like I mention before, why only farm?
Q. How I can make gold by botting?
A. Botting doesn't make you gold. Botting allows you to collect resources for you to sell and make gold.
Q. Auction House Addon, what to use?
A. This is a preference. There is 3 major players as for now. You need to try them and see witch one you like. They are:
* Auctioneer - Is a great addon, lots of functions. (I personally think is a memory hog)
* Auctionator - Light weight, fast simple manager. (Doesn't have extensive tools but is agile)
* TradeSkillMaster - All around great tool, excellent UI. Learning curve is not bad. (Takes a few to set up, but grat tool)
Q. What can I do to avoid been scam using paypal?
A. Many options are available for you to protect yourself. You selling digital goods. Read paypal policy. But in short, tell your buyers to pay you using a generated link. Generate the link and give to them, make them review your order by email.
Q. What is the safest form of botting?
A. All botting forms are risky. That been said, make your toon look more human managed like questing, dailies, talk, troll, play the account X amount of hours per day.
Q. Should I report other botters to lower my competition?
A. If you do this, you should get a can of gas and a lighter.
Q. Where I can sell my gold?
A. There is hundreds of places will buy your gold for cheap.
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