From my experience as a botter and gold seller, Blizz will IP ban for gold selling but only account/license ban for botting
The common Blizzard pattern is the following:
1. When caught/accused for botting, only the accounts, involved in the botting gets the penalty - either Closed or 72 h Suspended for 3rd party usage, with high change for Closed be reverted to 72h Suspension after appeal.
2. When more than 3-4 accounts were caught botting
in the same time from single comp
(notice - not from single IP, but comp - physical or virtual), an Abuse of Economy auto-ban is triggered on the botting accounts
only - But the Closure is final. No chance in appeals. (The common 5 man dungeon leveling bans classify here)
3. When gold-selling, usually the account gets caught by the automatic system only - Only the involved account gets Abuse of Economy - usually within 6-12 hours timewindow. And since you are lucky on this - Never Appeal! Manual investigation could dry your business out!
4. When gold-selling, if manual investigation is triggered for unknown reason - Here is where the so famous Ip Ban is deployed. But it is not actually Ip-related, but Computer or Wow install related.
In this scenario, the ban pattern varies, probably due to the different ban-styles different Game Masters have:
- Clearing the accounts, directly related to the gold-selling one - any guild affiliate with gold-withdraw privileges, etc., with this - successfully disabling the access to the gold, stored in the Guildbank.
- Clearing all the accounts, logging recently from the same system.
- Clearing all the accounts,
EVER logged from the system, and/or your IP's subnet, plus automatic bans on all the future accounts, dared to login from these (Even trials) - This is "
saved" for Extreme Exploitation bans - These usually happen, when people get caught selling millions of gold in short time-window, or bugs with Blizzard -
Like the guy last year, running account services, who made dummy account, named honorbuddy or similar, and started twitching the kicks 1-90 leveling - He received all of the above, including all his former customers, which accounts he had logged from his subnet, while running wow services for them in the past!