well people can use whatever CC they want, but when i started i used Bandera and didnt like it, so i made my own, and i think people are having far better survivability, and more exp an hour because of it. not only that but i have support for almost every mage spell. and once you get the spec filled out, deepfreeze combos with waterelemental support make it really bad ass.isint this better for leveling http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?420-Mage-CC-Bandera-(Fire-and-Frost-spec) ?
frozenheart all the way ... i like it ...
and frostspec is far more fun while leveling, trust me
well if theres something you would like to see changed at any level, that you think would speed things up, please let me know, ive tried my best to get it to work at all levels, but the class itself dosnt pickup till around level 40.Leveling a frost mage right now with Frozenheart. Workin ace right now. She's level 41 and now problems. However I will say that its focused a little bit more on the higher levels than the lower levels.