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Botting 4 a livin


New Member
Jun 3, 2011
well maybe...(or not)

since start of WoW (vanilla back 2005) ive been into makin money and always havin money in my bags. friends spend it ppl ask to get some from me. well u know the story.

after TBC i got into jewelcrafting an mining. start WOTLK bottin came into the picture.
i love bottin and enjoy makin profiles and creating thing on my own wich include botting and makin it safer for me to do. (bottin in instance etc)

now ive been knowin some ppl however they wouldnt really talk about it also cuz this includes their secrets.
i know cata is a bad time for this but fuck...so is my life atm.
i worked 5 years in a computer hardware store and u can imagine ive got some stuff going on here ( however i suck at the knowledge of network/IP/ROUTER)

since this week ive got some new farming profiles and 3-4 accounts bottin including my main but not fulltime on that incase of banns (the acc means alot to me)
i sold some gold online and i found it a rush to get money from it and did some math.
about makin some money with this ( nah im not expectin to become a millionair)

ANYWAY: to get to the mainsubject; ive been wanting to buy multi bots and go for the real money. i know some of you do. please give me some tips and if possible answers to a few questions;

1 how many bots are u havin in totall, how many hours a day each ? do you do routines ? how many bots are online a day.
2 i expect using more then 4-5 bots ur using software/hardware to hide your IP/mac etc. i know there are sections for this only question is are u using them ? or like meh ? (i would, just curious if there are ppl who don't )
3 how much money are u makin each week. this might be to personal but hell i'd had to ask and i know some of you would like to brag ;)
4 are you living from the money u make like this ?

this is it so far. i hope u guys can do some reply's on this and don't get mad about it or anythin. im serious about this and like to get some advice from the pro's.
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The prices on the gold market as of today are extremely low. Unless you live in a cardboard box and the only thing using electricity is your computer you could probably make a living out of it. But seriously, no. You wouldn't be able to live on just botting. Take this into account:

Let's say you have 10 accounts. None of them get banned and then you have to pay for gametime each month, wow.

Several of your accounts get banned, you need to buy new ones.

So you don't really know how much money you will earn at the end of the month, all your accounts may just get banned. While it may be a nice extra cash flow if people have the right buyers I believe you could not live solely on botting.
well maybe...(or not)

since start of WoW (vanilla back 2005) ive been into makin money and always havin money in my bags. friends spend it ppl ask to get some from me. well u know the story.

after TBC i got into jewelcrafting an mining. start WOTLK bottin came into the picture.
i love bottin and enjoy makin profiles and creating thing on my own wich include botting and makin it safer for me to do. (bottin in instance etc)

now ive been knowin some ppl however they wouldnt really talk about it also cuz this includes their secrets.
i know cata is a bad time for this but fuck...so is my life atm.
i worked 5 years in a computer hardware store and u can imagine ive got some stuff going on here ( however i suck at the knowledge of network/IP/ROUTER)

since this week ive got some new farming profiles and 3-4 accounts bottin including my main but not fulltime on that incase of banns (the acc means alot to me)
i sold some gold online and i found it a rush to get money from it and did some math.
about makin some money with this ( nah im not expectin to become a millionair)

ANYWAY: to get to the mainsubject; ive been wanting to buy multi bots and go for the real money. i know some of you do. please give me some tips and if possible answers to a few questions;

1 how many bots are u havin in totall, how many hours a day each ? do you do routines ? how many bots are online a day.
2 i expect using more then 4-5 bots ur using software/hardware to hide your IP/mac etc. i know there are sections for this only question is are u using them ? or like meh ? (i would, just curious if there are ppl who don't )
3 how much money are u makin each week. this might be to personal but hell i'd had to ask and i know some of you would like to brag ;)
4 are you living from the money u make like this ?

this is it so far. i hope u guys can do some reply's on this and don't get mad about it or anythin. im serious about this and like to get some advice from the pro's.

very true, kinda the main reason of the topic ofcourse. but i'd say if u have 10 bots 1 bot can easily provide the money of its month in 1-2 days ? atleast thats what i make with 1 bot a day. buyin 1 month game for 7k gold.

about the bans you are completely right but i see ppl here bottin for a year 10 bots without any bans and they hide their IP. still curious about the pro's to reply here!
very true, kinda the main reason of the topic ofcourse. but i'd say if u have 10 bots 1 bot can easily provide the money of its month in 1-2 days ? atleast thats what i make with 1 bot a day. buyin 1 month game for 7k gold.

about the bans you are completely right but i see ppl here bottin for a year 10 bots without any bans and they hide their IP. still curious about the pro's to reply here!

Hiding your IP doesn't matter unless you want to avoid a chain reaction, what I mean then is that they look at the IP of the account they're going to ban and see if any other accounts are tied to it. It wont decrease the chance of an actual ban since it's the account who gets the slap. Don't know if Blizzard looks at IP's and sees how long you've been online or so. So I'm not 100% in this department.

very true, kinda the main reason of the topic ofcourse. but i'd say if u have 10 bots 1 bot can easily provide the money of its month in 1-2 days ? atleast thats what i make with 1 bot a day. buyin 1 month game for 7k gold.

Then I guess that's not a problem. Except for the pain in the ass problem that you'd have to level up a new character. And you'd have to be under a VPN of course because they'd investigate the newly created account under the same IP a previous account was banned for botting, if I'm not entirely out and sailing.
Hiding your IP doesn't matter unless you want to avoid a chain reaction, what I mean then is that they look at the IP of the account they're going to ban and see if any other accounts are tied to it. It wont decrease the chance of an actual ban since it's the account who gets the slap. Don't know if Blizzard looks at IP's and sees how long you've been online or so. So I'm not 100% in this department.

Then I guess that's not a problem. Except for the pain in the ass problem that you'd have to level up a new character. And you'd have to be under a VPN of course because they'd investigate the newly created account under the same IP a previous account was banned for botting, if I'm not entirely out and sailing.

i have no meaning in draggin you down on this but for the last part u can already take actions so blizz wouldnt know the new account is yours. only crap thing is new account = new char lvling etc. but im also not talkin about really living of it but havin a nice cashflow. some ppl work part-time and got still alot of time on their hands and can spend in into bottin like im talkin about right now. and make the extra money with it. lets say 8 bots cover a nice amount. so u got for 10 bots ofcourse incase 1 gets banned. or have 2 bots as back-up. atleast thats what i would think
i'm well aware of what im doing in a way that if i get banned i can't blame anyone for it but me.
The bottom line is, 3rd party RMT prices are pretty low right now. I don't know what your living situation is, or the cost of living, but I have various friends who bot 12+ accounts and it's really just pocket change. Botting can make you some cash, sure, but you absolutely cannot "make a living" off of it, which is what the thread was asking specifically about. Even if you didn't get banned and have to bother creating new accounts and waste the time leveling farming characters up (which is another huge setback, not just having to buy another account, but actually getting characters to make the gold on them -- while it doesn't take long, it will impact your "trying to make a living" in a very negative way if you're having to spent 3-4 days to get another character on a fresh account to the appropriate level.

The math is fairly simple here; 10 account subscriptions are $140.00 a month. After you pay for the subscriptions, you're going to be lucky to make even that back in profit. Sure, you might be able to keep the accounts active, but there just is no botting as your lone source of income unless you're living somewhere where the cost of living is nothing (doesn't exist), or you live in a cardboard box.

When my life was fairly simple (no kids, no wife, living alone) I was looking at $650 in rent, which is cheap in Oregon. Tack on $65 for the internet, then the rest of the utilities just for the house which would be around $200 and if you could even meet that, I'd shit my pants, run down the street, and jump in the Hood River. With just my basic life expenses, not even counting food, cell phone, transportation money, car insurance, car payments, or anything else, my cost of living was at $860 -- it's just not realistic to imagine making anywhere close to that by botting World of Warcraft accounts.

It just isn't a possibility. I was powerleveling by hand, and botting (running 6+ powerleveling orders going) with around 7-8 orders a week, depending on the size, and had my roomie selling gold off his 12 botted accounts. We never even made it close to covering half the rent, and we were working 12+ hour days and business was booming.

Even if you never got banned, ran the 10 accounts for 10+ hours a day, botting remains a hobby that can make you some pocket change if you put in enough, but that's where it stops, really. Also, just to throw out a random fact, I was making more money off the accounts we botted and hand-leveled than the 12+ gold farming bots the roomie had running, if that puts things into perspective.

I currently work from home, was lucky enough to find a decent home position with the company I was previously working for, so I'm still powerleveling 4+ orders a week. The prices have dropped so much in the past two years, it's insane.
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The bottom line is, 3rd party RMT prices are pretty low right now. I don't know what your living situation is, or the cost of living, but I have various friends who bot 12+ accounts and it's really just pocket change. Botting can make you some cash, sure, but you absolutely cannot "make a living" off of it, which is what the thread was asking specifically about. Even if you didn't get banned and have to bother creating new accounts and waste the time leveling farming characters up (which is another huge setback, not just having to buy another account, but actually getting characters to make the gold on them -- while it doesn't take long, it will impact your "trying to make a living" in a very negative way if you're having to spent 3-4 days to get another character on a fresh account to the appropriate level.

The math is fairly simple here; 10 account subscriptions are $140.00 a month. After you pay for the subscriptions, you're going to be lucky to make even that back in profit. Sure, you might be able to keep the accounts active, but there just is no botting as your lone source of income unless you're living somewhere where the cost of living is nothing (doesn't exist), or you live in a cardboard box.

When my life was fairly simple (no kids, no wife, living alone) I was looking at $650 in rent, which is cheap in Oregon. Tack on $65 for the internet, then the rest of the utilities just for the house which would be around $200 and if you could even meet that, I'd shit my pants, run down the street, and jump in the Hood River. With just my basic life expenses, not even counting food, cell phone, transportation money, car insurance, car payments, or anything else, my cost of living was at $860 -- it's just not realistic to imagine making anywhere close to that by botting World of Warcraft accounts.

It just isn't a possibility. I was powerleveling by hand, and botting (running 6+ powerleveling orders going) with around 7-8 orders a week, depending on the size, and had my roomie selling gold off his 12 botted accounts. We never even made it close to covering half the rent, and we were working 12+ hour days and business was booming.

Even if you never got banned, ran the 10 accounts for 10+ hours a day, botting remains a hobby that can make you some pocket change if you put in enough, but that's where it stops, really. Also, just to throw out a random fact, I was making more money off the accounts we botted and hand-leveled than the 12+ gold farming bots the roomie had running, if that puts things into perspective.

I currently work from home, was lucky enough to find a decent home position with the company I was previously working for, so I'm still powerleveling 4+ orders a week. The prices have dropped so much in the past two years, it's insane.

thank you for this post, i didnt want to make another "dreamer" post of 1 guy who thinks he figured it all out! it just seems very well possible. i live together and share the rend etc. i geuss its still possible in same ways but there would be alot of risk and stress in the progress and it isnt a lifetime option. i never figured it was or anything. i was just curious about it. on the lazybot forums there was a female/wife who actually payed her part of the rend with the bottin money.

again ty for the reply.
Does anyone actually pay cash for gametime anymore ? $'s for gametime should not even be in the basic maths of working anything out, if you can't trade ingame gold for playtime you aren't looking hard enough :)

Does anyone actually pay cash for gametime anymore ? $'s for gametime should not even be in the basic maths of working anything out, if you can't trade ingame gold for playtime you aren't looking hard enough :)
I do, don't know anyone on my realm. Rather pay $15 than risk dealing with some random.
I know someone that does 10k for one month RAF if you need, PM me, I've been using it for last month on about 8 diff accounts, pretty legit and saves money and avoids getting accounts linked.
I dont normally post on forums but I'd like to chime in on this one.

I've recently started to branch out with botting to cover my own expenses. The best advice I can give is to simply take the time and do the math. Spend an hour or two setting up a spreadsheet with your daily gold intake per account, the amount per 1k on the server that account is dedicated too and calculate the monthly fees associated. (sub/flight plugin for me). I have a dollar amount for day/week/month. As you add accounts and maintain the $/k field you'll get a clear picture of what you are capable of bringing in.

I'll share a small glimpse of what I've projected and managed in the last week.

I set my expectations low. I only bot on 2 accounts at the moment, and I expect only 15,000g a day on each. I do 8hrs a day on each one to keep ban risk low for now. So far with 8 hours of botting they have exceeded their daily allotments and pull in closer to 18k~21k a day.
On my severs the gold prices fluctuate between $.6/k and $.7/k. Just like the with AH I wait and sell high, as long as Ive cashed in by the end of the week. Projected each account should bring in $73 a week at its high and $63 a week at its low. Last week on one account I brought in $125 abouts. 4.2 helped a ton since it was easy to flip materials and products that people were posting dirt cheap. So in total for 2 accounts I made $210 last week. I dont know about you but that covers my utilities right there.

You said you already have 4 bots raring to go, extrapolate and you can see its possible. Heres a huge tip though, don't tell your roommates lol. I am now in a situation where we might be splitting servers so that we don't interfere with one another. After seeing success with little effort they want a piece. I only spend about ~1h posting and playing the AH per account a day.

My other advice would be to do a trial run. Thats what I did, I sold my gold to buy Honorbuddy in the first place. Build slowly and reinvest wisely. Buying accounts with 85s already on them is dirt cheap right now and you can make it back in 2 weeks. As long as you dont get banned within that month then youve made profit and can just buy another account instead of leveling them up since the costs are close to the same anyway.

These dont seem like "seller" forums to me though. Youd get better advice elsewhere on selling/buying accounts and gold. You said your life is at a bad time right now and I thought I'd see if I could help. I know the feeling and every little bit of money helps. The risks are there with bans and what not but hey, if you've ever survived for a few years purely on freelance like I have you get comfortable with those risks.

Stay sharp!

Could you post your excel sheet by chance? Also how the hell do you make 15k in one day? I don't come close I barely make 1k a day OUCH :(
Not sure if I attached this right. Its very basic but you can make new rows and just fill in the values to see your projected amounts. Adjust the fees accordingly if you dont pay for gametime (which sounds super helpful and thanks for the tip!)

I bot herb/mining with a druid for 8hrs to get the 15k. I run an Uldum profile that fills up my bags about 3-4times in the 8hr period and mails it to a bank alt. I hold on to the cinderblooms for darkmoon cards and sell the whiptails for about 1g40s each. I normally have a few thousand right there since I get about 75+ stacks of them. 28g a stack doesnt sound like a lot but it adds up. Cinderblooms are more like 18g a stack so I try to just convert them.

Volatile lifes sell rapidly and I normally have 800~1000 of those and they sell for about 6-8g per. Any lower than that and I buyout all the ones below me and repost them for the higher value. Make great money doing that too. Take advantage of the cut throat undercutting. They always sell. You dont need to post below everyone else either. Thats more of a AH lesson which can be learned elsewhere though, plenty of great guides out there. So thats another 6k or more. From the mining too I'll typically have 100 fire/earth/water volatiles too and the waters/earths sell great. Closer to midnight the better.

Then I take all the ore and prospect it. Sell high value blue gems and craft rings/pendants with greens and D/E those and sell the mats. So I make about 10k from the herbs and another 3-5k from the gems and mats easily. I actually sell off the pyrite ore instead of prospect it. Goes for 100g a stack and I normally get about 5-6 stacks. Rubys still sell for 100g on my servers so they are huge. Carnellians are 25g typically too. If they are lower buy em up and resell them. You can always make the fists with JC and D/E those too.

Right now I kinda have more Cinderbloom than I know what to do with since Im waiting for the faire to roll around again. Card prices may have dropped but the week before the faire I can still snag a great profit.

All in just 8 hour shifts with the bots. Cant imagine what the guys that do 20hrs a day must pull in.


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There is no way in hell you would get 1000 volatile lifes in 8hrs of botting. I'm botting in Vashjr, getting roughly 110 nodes per hour and after 24h of botting I'm normally on 1300-1400 volatiles. Also mind the fact that there are 2 different herbs that I'm gathering, Azshara and Stormvine.

Something tells me that you're making it too good to be true :)
There is no way in hell you would get 1000 volatile lifes in 8hrs of botting. I'm botting in Vashjr, getting roughly 110 nodes per hour and after 24h of botting I'm normally on 1300-1400 volatiles. Also mind the fact that there are 2 different herbs that I'm gathering, Azshara and Stormvine.

Something tells me that you're making it too good to be true :)

if i farm for 12 hrs in uldum i have well over 2k v.lifes... choose a better botting area/server

done this with both a frost dk and a ret. pally both were setup to run herbs/ore
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if i farm for 12 hrs in uldum i have well over 2k v.lifes... choose a better botting area/server

done this with both a frost dk and a ret. pally both were setup to run herbs/ore

And thats with 1 character botting? What are your nodes per hour?