I mainly bot for questing more then anything else but on my server the market is so saturated with botted ores/herbs/skinning that at any one time you will normally see 50 pages of 20 stack posts. For example about 7 months ago it was pretty moderate and the botters paced themselves with elementium and obsidium ore costing about 80 gold a stack but since as of late there are itleast 10-15 bots on 24/7 farming the high end zones and really mucking up the server.
Please use common sense and not have 50 pages worth of pure ore and herbs for sale. If it gets to a breaking point blizzard may opt to put in new detection methods and ruin it for everyone.
Please use common sense and not have 50 pages worth of pure ore and herbs for sale. If it gets to a breaking point blizzard may opt to put in new detection methods and ruin it for everyone.