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Botters flooding the AH market?


New Member
Jan 28, 2012
My server and many others over the past week or two has been flooded with cut/uncut inferno rubies and ore which has basically destroyed the market. Is this the result of the popularity of botting rising, or is it just that more people have discovered the "shuffle"?

I have definitely seen a lot more people in Uldum at late/early hours.
Its probably just that anyone and their dog and their dog's fleas can use HB.
Or it could be something else idk :rolleyes:
Couldnt expect the 4.3 patch to sustain those prices forever, plus epic gems are coming way down.
OP, you must be on Mal'Ganis because wow did they destroy the AH in 2 weeks time it went from 80g a stack for elementium down to 35
you still make a profit no matter what with your bot even if you shuffle just that you have to share with fellow botters. but as botters come in legit jc shufflers will retire because they are losing money for shuffle
OP, you must be on Mal'Ganis because wow did they destroy the AH in 2 weeks time it went from 80g a stack for elementium down to 35

Not Mal'Ganis but on my server elementium ore was going for ~130g on AH two weeks ago, now it's down to ~80g.
its kinda fun to see people complain about 80g a stack elementium ore and stuff :P I've never been on a server where elementium stack was more then 40g xD
I like how people just casually refer to their realm by name instead of just quoting the prices of ore.
It's not like we aren't supposed to share our realm/toon names on here.
it's not botters.

The kids with their mom paying for everything has no idea how an economy works.

they just undercut until market dies.

I've seen JC's undecut themselves by 10g even when they were the cheapest be4 the undercut.
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Things sell for what the market will bear, and for what the seller considers an acceptable profit, not for the price one or two botters or other sellers decide it should be forever and ever, and then complain when someone sells cheaper. It's part of the formula big-volume marketers have used for years and it works.
trust me, stupid people are out there and they're not botters, I've seen people undercut by 30% or more and have no idea how the market works and they just want a quick sale.
Here's how I generally do it (as if anyone cares!):

I use both Auctioneer and Auctionator together. I will generally look at what Auctionator considers an acceptable undercut in the Sell tab, and then what Auctioneer determines in the Post tab after a scan, and use the lower of the two. They're usually pretty close with Auctioneer usually setting it just a bit lower.

If the prices shown by both seem unusually low, I then look at the auctions on Browse. What I usually find then is someone has put an item up for auction that is 30% or more less per unit. Then I select an auction that's more in line with the market (somewhere around 100%) and use the recommendations from Auctioneer and Auctionator. That lets me undercut just a bit and keeps it in line with normal market prices.

If I see a bunch of auctions up at like 425% of market, I will calculate close to 100% and use that as my auction price. Boo hoo if someone complains that I am not letting them gouge the market with their ridiculous prices.
The market has not die, is 1 or 2 guys crashing it for the bots to create a lower in demand. The more accessible the less demand would be. After a few weeks greedy botters slowly would move away to other things and maybe to other server to seek fortune. Once they see the demand is raising that's where you make a profit. I personally did this twice on a low pop and a medium server. The whole idea is to make it not worth for botters. The whole process takes about 6-7 weeks. Then you start building slowly. 9-11 weeks you tripling your payout. Now is a risk you take you need to be prepared to not earn much for 12 weeks. But this is the way to come on top, become the top AH guys in your server.
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The market has not die, is 1 or 2 guys crashing it for the bots to create a lower in demand. The more accessible the less demand would be. After a few weeks greedy botters slowly would move away to other things and maybe to other server to seek fortune. Once they see the demand is raising that's where you make a profit. I personally did this twice on a low pop and a medium server. The whole idea is to make it not worth for botters. The whole process takes about 6-7 weeks. Then you start building slowly. 9-11 weeks you tripling your payout. Now is a risk you take you need to be prepared to not earn much for 12 weeks.
Basicially you're breaking the economy to piss off fellow botters? Wow, you so pro
Basicially you're breaking the economy to piss off fellow botters? Wow, you so pro

I am a professional yes. We are all botters, and we do what we can to survive. In real business is the same. To get on top you must remove your competition. I don't report other botters, some others do that. I just take control of the server. :D

What you think everything is peaches & cream? Because we help each other on the forum, and we share info, we are bound by blood? In reality we all trying to make gold no matter whats the reason you do it for.
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i think its that to many ppl are playing with the AH
i am an old Runescape player there is the same problem but has this problem for an few mounths now(ad my server) and Runescape from the first day the GE (AH) come out
ad my server there are an few botting ppl and the most from then are ally and i am an horde
I m noticing that I am getting better sales, more inventory movement and less reports in Horde than Ally. Did kids left Horde and went to Ally? LOL