Been using honor buddy for over a year now, very casual botter who only occasionally uses the bot for mining/herbing. Have always used 'woots twilight highlands' profile for mining. It has always worked flawlessly till just recently. Every time I leave the comp for like 5 mins, I come back and Ive been dc'd. I find myself in the wow login screen with a box with the following message in big bold red letters (scares me every time).
[string "Hax.lua"] 1: attempt to call global 'Repop Me' (a nil value)
What does this mean? Never had this problem in the past and havent changed anything as far as settings. Is this the entire program as a whole, or is it the profile I am using?
Really annoys me because in the past using this profile I would get hundreds of stacks of ore no problem, and now I cant even get 2 stacks before getting dcd with this scary msg!
[string "Hax.lua"] 1: attempt to call global 'Repop Me' (a nil value)
What does this mean? Never had this problem in the past and havent changed anything as far as settings. Is this the entire program as a whole, or is it the profile I am using?
Really annoys me because in the past using this profile I would get hundreds of stacks of ore no problem, and now I cant even get 2 stacks before getting dcd with this scary msg!