I startet the bots 5 days ago and now there are 4/5 banned. Im on the EU realm "Der Rat von Dalaran", a low pop server and thought that this would be nice cause I cant see any bots at Gundrak. And now they are banned! I know that this is normal but I want to ask if anybody has some good realms oder tricks to get not banned so fast. Thats the 3. time...
I startet the bots 5 days ago and now there are 4/5 banned. Im on the EU realm "Der Rat von Dalaran", a low pop server and thought that this would be nice cause I cant see any bots at Gundrak. And now they are banned! I know that this is normal but I want to ask if anybody has some good realms oder tricks to get not banned so fast. Thats the 3. time...