I got past all of that, but now I'm getting this.
2016-12-22 06:17:46,765 [1] INFO Logger - Now setting up JitProfiles...
2016-12-22 06:17:46,766 [1] INFO Logger - JitProfiles successfully setup!
2016-12-22 06:17:46,774 [1] INFO Logger - Now checking prerequisites...
2016-12-22 06:17:47,041 [1] INFO Logger - Prerequisite check complete!
2016-12-22 06:17:47,634 [1] WARN Logger - [HookCompatibilityDepth] Please restart the bot for the changes to take effect.
2016-12-22 06:17:48,528 [1] INFO Logger - Exilebuddy [0.2.4622.241] is up to date!
2016-12-22 06:18:26,895 [8] INFO Logger - [Pre-Login] Connecting to BestLatency (
2016-12-22 06:18:27,460 [8] INFO Logger - Region: sea
2016-12-22 06:18:27,460 [8] INFO Logger - T: 5247865861496346022 H: 430669444
2016-12-22 06:18:28,873 [1] INFO BotManager - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15
2016-12-22 06:18:30,209 [10] ERROR Logger - The data required to run the bot was not successfully obtained. Please make sure your key is still valid at the Buddy Auth Portal:
Log On
- Buddy Auth Portal
For any further assistence, please contact support:
Bossland GmbH
Key is fine.