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INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[18:57:19]</font></b> <font color="#FF6A00">[Pokefarmer]:</font> Restricted response from game server. Please try again in 12 hours.
Also, it appears a softban
The Pokefarmer is passing the same stops multiple times and disconnects because he can't loot them again (I guess). As you can see on the screenshots & log, checked this ingame too. This happens on multiple accounts.
-> [22:53:27] Looting Templo Christiano Bethel
..other pokestops and catches..
-> [22:55:34] Looting Templo Christiano Bethel
-> [22:55:53] [Pokefarmer]: Restricted response from game server. Please try again in 12 hours.
This happens only, when "Looting Pokestops" is on. Im far away from the daily cap of pokestops & pokemon.