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- Sep 27, 2011
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The following information may change and is based off my own personal knowledge while watching the bot as well as common knowledge gained through-out the forums. This page was last updated on 10/27/15. As this is still a beta there is no "Pre-Sale-Questions" sub forum like there usually is on a Buddy product, if you have a question please post below and I will do my best to answer it. Please keep in mind I am a player and not a dev.
Hero's of the storm Update
Currently: Not working + needs update
Current Dev recommended settings for bot
How To Play/Buy/Use
1) First off you will need a key, a key can be purchased by going here
2) You can download the latest version of storm buddy here
3) Once you have that setup simply start Hero's, click on the little COG symbol in the bottom Right hand corner, or hit the "ESC key, go into
"Options" Make sure it is set to "Windowed Mode." I personally also like to set all the graphics to low, this is optional of course.
4) Profit ??? (Please note that the current version of stormbuddy is also known as "Stormbuddy Beta" On the forums.)
Ideal Exp/Gold Settings:
1) You'll want to use the bot VS AI, I have also purchased a stimpack and I gain 93.7k(Half this number if you have not purchased a stimpack) exp/game vs AI on "Beginner" (lowest) difficulty. The bot
usually can complete a game in 10-15 minutes using this mode. The characters I have used are Jaina and Kael'Thalas both of which worked perfectly using the default/included settings.
The Debate Exp/HR VS Exp Gained
I think its important to differentiate between these two here, playing on a lower difficulty will allow for more faster games and more exp/HR this is most beneficial, in the current state of the bot, if you are watching the bot and can make sure it keeps playing. If you want more exp gained then I would recommend changing the AI difficulty to "Recruit", the matches can last longer though. The longest match i've seen on recruit lasted 35 minutes.
More questions will be added as I think of them.
1) Is the bot worth Buying?
The bot is currently in a state that requires monitoring as it will mess up/stop in the middle of a match. The bot is being constantly updated and fixed and I have very high hopes that a "Buddy" product would be worth the money. I personally have purchased the product and it works fine for a starter hero's account trying to level and grind gold for new hero's.
2) Can I do things while botting?
Yes you can, it is important to note however that the bot requires windowed Mode and to be "Always on Top" So you cannot minimize or hide the window (or hide the window behind a browser window) like you can with say Honorbuddy as an example.
3) Can the bot currently Run 24/7 or overnight?
Do not expect it to still be running when you wake up the next morning.
4) How good is the bots performance In match Currently?
The bot currently tends to be over-zealous and rushes towers. The bot will sometimes even stand within enemy tower range and just let the towers beat on it. From what I've seen of the bot fighting enemy champions(AI) it seems to do pretty well in that area, often times juking an enemy player while they attempt to clear the minion wave. The bot works very well against "Beginner" bots on VS AI (lowest difficulty) and works decently on "Recruit" but I would not recommend going higher then that right now.
5) What kind of Exp/Gold per hour can I expect to see?
Please keep in mind these numbers will vary heavily depending on your game settings as well as the current state of the bot. Using the above settings and assuming each match lasts no longer then 10 minutes it is possible to achieve 937,000/HR IF you are watching the bot and making sure it does not mess up. As for gold/hr you usually get 10g a match, without a stimpack/boost, so 60g/hr not counting any bonuses gained from hitting level thresholds or doing quests.
Working Hero's List
Last Updated: 10/27/15
The below information is based on Personal Experience. As of right now I do not have most/any characters unlocked on hero's and cannot personally confirm whether certain characters are working or not. The "Not Tested" Portion below simply means I personally have not tested whether they work well or not.
Working/Total/Not Tested
[??] = Haven't tested/Not sure if working
[X] = Working
Thread changelog
The following information may change and is based off my own personal knowledge while watching the bot as well as common knowledge gained through-out the forums. This page was last updated on 10/27/15. As this is still a beta there is no "Pre-Sale-Questions" sub forum like there usually is on a Buddy product, if you have a question please post below and I will do my best to answer it. Please keep in mind I am a player and not a dev.
Hero's of the storm Update
Currently: Not working + needs update
Current Dev recommended settings for bot
You need the latest version of .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x64) installed.
The bot only supports 64-bit HotS. Make sure the process have _x64 at the end.
Run the game only in Display Mode: Windowed.
How To Play/Buy/Use
1) First off you will need a key, a key can be purchased by going here
2) You can download the latest version of storm buddy here
3) Once you have that setup simply start Hero's, click on the little COG symbol in the bottom Right hand corner, or hit the "ESC key, go into
"Options" Make sure it is set to "Windowed Mode." I personally also like to set all the graphics to low, this is optional of course.
4) Profit ??? (Please note that the current version of stormbuddy is also known as "Stormbuddy Beta" On the forums.)
Ideal Exp/Gold Settings:
1) You'll want to use the bot VS AI, I have also purchased a stimpack and I gain 93.7k(Half this number if you have not purchased a stimpack) exp/game vs AI on "Beginner" (lowest) difficulty. The bot
usually can complete a game in 10-15 minutes using this mode. The characters I have used are Jaina and Kael'Thalas both of which worked perfectly using the default/included settings.
The Debate Exp/HR VS Exp Gained
I think its important to differentiate between these two here, playing on a lower difficulty will allow for more faster games and more exp/HR this is most beneficial, in the current state of the bot, if you are watching the bot and can make sure it keeps playing. If you want more exp gained then I would recommend changing the AI difficulty to "Recruit", the matches can last longer though. The longest match i've seen on recruit lasted 35 minutes.
More questions will be added as I think of them.
1) Is the bot worth Buying?
The bot is currently in a state that requires monitoring as it will mess up/stop in the middle of a match. The bot is being constantly updated and fixed and I have very high hopes that a "Buddy" product would be worth the money. I personally have purchased the product and it works fine for a starter hero's account trying to level and grind gold for new hero's.
2) Can I do things while botting?
Yes you can, it is important to note however that the bot requires windowed Mode and to be "Always on Top" So you cannot minimize or hide the window (or hide the window behind a browser window) like you can with say Honorbuddy as an example.
3) Can the bot currently Run 24/7 or overnight?
Do not expect it to still be running when you wake up the next morning.
4) How good is the bots performance In match Currently?
The bot currently tends to be over-zealous and rushes towers. The bot will sometimes even stand within enemy tower range and just let the towers beat on it. From what I've seen of the bot fighting enemy champions(AI) it seems to do pretty well in that area, often times juking an enemy player while they attempt to clear the minion wave. The bot works very well against "Beginner" bots on VS AI (lowest difficulty) and works decently on "Recruit" but I would not recommend going higher then that right now.
5) What kind of Exp/Gold per hour can I expect to see?
Please keep in mind these numbers will vary heavily depending on your game settings as well as the current state of the bot. Using the above settings and assuming each match lasts no longer then 10 minutes it is possible to achieve 937,000/HR IF you are watching the bot and making sure it does not mess up. As for gold/hr you usually get 10g a match, without a stimpack/boost, so 60g/hr not counting any bonuses gained from hitting level thresholds or doing quests.
Working Hero's List
Last Updated: 10/27/15
The below information is based on Personal Experience. As of right now I do not have most/any characters unlocked on hero's and cannot personally confirm whether certain characters are working or not. The "Not Tested" Portion below simply means I personally have not tested whether they work well or not.
Working/Total/Not Tested
[??] = Haven't tested/Not sure if working
[X] = Working
Artanis [??]
Abathur [??]
Thread changelog
- WitchDoctor is working fine with the bot. Updated the thread.
- Added dev quote, fixed some spelling and made some points easier to understand
- Hero's update, updated status of bot to not working.
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