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Been botting for 20 minutes now, no pokemon anywhere. It picks up pokestops just fine, but no matter where I go there are no pokemons on the map. Anyone else got this?
2 possible causes:
1. You've reached daily limit of caught pokemons;
2. You've been botting in the wrong place where there were none pokemons; I once stayed at Den Haag in the Netherlands and catch nothing for 2 mins top. 20 minutes, you must be botting in a real jungle.
I haven't botted at all in 8 hours, so there was no limit reached. And I've been botting in a popular place, where I know for sure there is a pokemon nests (and two lured pokestops). The bot started catching some pokemons... I still cannot see them on the map, and I tried changing places, everywhere I go I catch 1-2 pokemon every 5 minutes or so. This is in Uppsala, Sweden btw.
I logged in on my main account on my phone, I can catch more pokemon walking around the suburbs.