Bot have some problems.. Like not use some cards ever.. Or trying to use himself. I'll gonna write all i known experienced problems and hope soon will be fix for mods
Not using at all..
Druid cards
Ironbark Protector
Mage cards
Mirror Image
Warrior cards
Trying to use himself.. But these cards not usable for your own character.
Mage secrets generally not using always last play..
Warlock Imp-losion trying to use on himself not a minion
Priest Inner Fire trying to use on himself not a minion
Ironbeak owl trying to silence on himself not a minion
Also using best druid combo for some stupid trades even next turn will gonna lethal.. (force of nature + savage roar)
Not using at all..
Druid cards
Ironbark Protector
Mage cards
Mirror Image
Warrior cards
Trying to use himself.. But these cards not usable for your own character.
Mage secrets generally not using always last play..
Warlock Imp-losion trying to use on himself not a minion
Priest Inner Fire trying to use on himself not a minion
Ironbeak owl trying to silence on himself not a minion
Also using best druid combo for some stupid trades even next turn will gonna lethal.. (force of nature + savage roar)