I am searching for an better Provider as RaptorVPN (completely free) for a better Ping!
And if this is ok for secure botting or i should use a Proxy or should i use nothing and bot over my normal internet connection?!
I have buyed an second account for botting and dont want, that my main account will be banned when i bot over my pc and my internet connection and the bot will be revealed...
What should i do?
PS: Eventuell kannst du mir das auch beantworten Kickazz so als erfahrener. =) D?rftest ja super dar?ber bescheid wissen, w?re sehr dankbar!
And if this is ok for secure botting or i should use a Proxy or should i use nothing and bot over my normal internet connection?!
I have buyed an second account for botting and dont want, that my main account will be banned when i bot over my pc and my internet connection and the bot will be revealed...
What should i do?
PS: Eventuell kannst du mir das auch beantworten Kickazz so als erfahrener. =) D?rftest ja super dar?ber bescheid wissen, w?re sehr dankbar!
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