My warrior wont walk by his own. He will only target creature and then fight it from where he stands - he does not walk over to the creature
Note that this happens en both ver 1.1 and beta build
Note that this happens en both ver 1.1 and beta build
Wildbuddy 1.1.604.3 starting...
CPU Architecture: x64
Process Architecture: x64
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
.NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444
System Memory: 7,94 GB Available
CPU Cores: 8
Application Uri: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\wb
Logging in...
T: 5247503948759485079 H: 4277160901
Region: eu
Attached to game: [2136] WildStar64 (Hash: CAAE2043)
Attached to game:
Wildstar is currently in a 'Maximized' state. At this point in initialization, we cannot tell if the game is in proper full-screen mode. If it is, please ensure the game client is in either Windowed, or Borderless Windowed modes. Proper Fullscreen mode is not supported by Buddy products due to technical limitations.
Attached to game: [2136] WildStar64 (Hash: CAAE2043)
Local Player is a level 8 Granok Warrior Settler
Location: X:4040,897 Y:-1050,334 Z:-4238,985 (Area: 3747) on Eastern [51]
Selected new bot: Profile Bot v0.0.0.1 by Bossland GmbH
Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
Selected Default Combat Routine version 1.0 as the current combat routine!
Plugin Profile Helper (version by Apoc enabled.
Plugin Recovery (version 0.6.2) by Deathdisguise enabled.
Loading profile: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\wb\Profiles\GrindAl.xml
Profile Grind Template (version 1.0) by DD loaded!
Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
Exception during execution of profile tag <Grind /> (Line #4)System.Exception: Could not connect to navigation server. Has your network gone down, or is the client banned?
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.Navigator..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Œ..(Task , Int32 )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.Navigator..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.CommonBehaviors..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.CommonBehaviors..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.ProfileTags.Grind..()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Buddy.ProfileBot.ProfileBot.<CoroutineImplementation>d__17.MoveNext()
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F39EC - NonPlayer | 21120] Jabbit , Position: X:4060,33 Y:-1053,095 Z:-4223,975, Facing: X:-0,3056688 Y:0 Z:0,9521379 W:0, Heading: 2,830952
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Leap
Loading profile: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\wb\Profiles\GrindAl.xml
Profile Grind Template (version 1.0) by DD loaded!
Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [325166 - NonPlayer | 20969] Longhorn Bull , Position: X:4056,391 Y:-1053,721 Z:-4196,363, Facing: X:0,6549689 Y:0 Z:0,7556558 W:0, Heading: -2,427451
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Leap
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [325166 - NonPlayer | 20969] Longhorn Bull , Position: X:4056,391 Y:-1053,721 Z:-4196,363, Facing: X:0,6549689 Y:0 Z:0,7556558 W:0, Heading: -2,427451
We're falling, and we didn't jump. Clearing the path just in case.
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
We're falling, and we didn't jump. Clearing the path just in case.
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Stance: Onslaught
Grind Tag is set to kill [325166 - NonPlayer | 20969] Longhorn Bull , Position: X:4056,391 Y:-1053,721 Z:-4196,363, Facing: X:0,6549689 Y:0 Z:0,7556558 W:0, Heading: -2,427451
Casting Leap
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Gadget Ability 'None' was found.
Casting Kick
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Rampage
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [323A70 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4072,112 Y:-1050,921 Z:-4176,623, Facing: X:-0,7214258 Y:0 Z:-0,6924917 W:0, Heading: 0,8058591
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [323A70 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4067,036 Y:-1051,927 Z:-4181,499, Facing: X:-0,7212079 Y:0 Z:-0,6927187 W:0, Heading: 0,8055444
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [323A70 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4062,753 Y:-1052,777 Z:-4185,613, Facing: X:-0,72118 Y:0 Z:-0,6927478 W:0, Heading: 0,8055041
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [323A70 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4058,669 Y:-1053,586 Z:-4189,536, Facing: X:-0,7211747 Y:0 Z:-0,6927533 W:0, Heading: 0,8054965
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Grapple
Casting Grapple
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Leap
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
We're falling, and we didn't jump. Clearing the path just in case.
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
We're falling, and we didn't jump. Clearing the path just in case.
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Rampage
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Rampage
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Rampage
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Rampage
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [317072 - NonPlayer | 61621] Swiftpaw Pouncer , Position: X:4078,93 Y:-1056,595 Z:-4167,368, Facing: X:-0,1174366 Y:0 Z:-0,9930804 W:0, Heading: 0,1177082
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Kick
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Relentless Strikes
Casting Whirlwind
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Rampage
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F5412 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4071,785 Y:-1044,201 Z:-4176,967, Facing: X:-0,5907984 Y:0 Z:0,8068192 W:0, Heading: 2,509545
Casting Leap
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F5412 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4062,803 Y:-1048,825 Z:-4170,489, Facing: X:-0,8624083 Y:0 Z:0,5062134 W:0, Heading: 2,101585
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F5412 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4057,542 Y:-1050,525 Z:-4167,931, Facing: X:-0,9072126 Y:0 Z:0,4206724 W:0, Heading: 2,004983
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F5412 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4051,255 Y:-1051,521 Z:-4165,395, Facing: X:-0,9340319 Y:0 Z:0,3571895 W:0, Heading: 1,936054
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F5412 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4044,588 Y:-1049,972 Z:-4163,129, Facing: X:-0,9502779 Y:0 Z:0,3114033 W:0, Heading: 1,887466
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F5412 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4041,008 Y:-1042,593 Z:-4162,667, Facing: X:-0,9903418 Y:0 Z:0,1386471 W:0, Heading: 1,709892
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Stance: Onslaught
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Leap
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [2F5412 - NonPlayer | 20992] Skytalon Rotbeak , Position: X:4034,517 Y:-1037,169 Z:-4187,571, Facing: X:0,9500782 Y:0 Z:-0,3120118 W:0, Heading: -1,253487
We're falling, and we didn't jump. Clearing the path just in case.
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
We're falling, and we didn't jump. Clearing the path just in case.
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Whirlwind
Grind Tag is set to kill [327386 - NonPlayer | 34907] Longhorn Cow , Position: X:4026,16 Y:-1052,184 Z:-4179,286, Facing: X:0,8102118 Y:0 Z:0,5861371 W:0, Heading: -2,197079
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Relentless Strikes
Last edited: