since 2 Days my Honorbuddy works not fine. When i start Alchemi 1-500 (Dalaran), the Bot goes to the AH, buy the herbs, and stand still. In the Log stand, "Go to the next Hotspot". Then, after a few minuty, the Char is afk marked. Makes nothing!
Today i wanted to farm Herbs. I take Levelprofile from Shadow 1-525.
When i start HB, the Bot say "unstuck attempt 1", "unstuck attempt 2" and so on.
What can i do?
I delet the meshes folder, and install HB new.
since 2 Days my Honorbuddy works not fine. When i start Alchemi 1-500 (Dalaran), the Bot goes to the AH, buy the herbs, and stand still. In the Log stand, "Go to the next Hotspot". Then, after a few minuty, the Char is afk marked. Makes nothing!
Today i wanted to farm Herbs. I take Levelprofile from Shadow 1-525.
When i start HB, the Bot say "unstuck attempt 1", "unstuck attempt 2" and so on.
What can i do?
I delet the meshes folder, and install HB new.