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Bot just stopped responding


New Member
Mar 10, 2012
I've been using the bot successfully for a few weeks now for questing and just yesterday, it completely stopped responding. It kept going back to the same exact spot in ashenvale, whether I was in orgrimmar or elsewhere. This is my first horde toon and i'm using Kick's profile. I changed the Questorder to false and still nothing. Unfortunately I don't know how to post a log if anyone can guide me through that part.

Oh and i've also deleted both honorbuddy and the profiles twice and reinstalled them. I copied the quest behaviors from kick's to the HB folder and nada.
Try dropping whatever quest it has so it can pick it back up?

Or manually do whatever quest it's trying to do and it should correct itself.
Although at the same time it could be additional plug ins.

Try disabling all plugins except az prohelp and the other one required for kicks profile and see what it does.

Also if you go to the guides section there is one for posting a log.

Basically just go to advance options when making a post or reply, kit attach file or something like that the. Use the GUI to choose the file, then hit upload then hit ok or whatever in the bottom right corner.

You will get this fixed np
Same for me, the bot just runs around in the quest place, repairs/sells, goes to org to train (doesn't need to do any of this) and then tries to mail nothing. Happend like 2-3 hours ago, tried everything. It just came from nowhere.

Got this aswell;
[18:05:29:730] UNK INSTR @ 0x7704E320 - defaulting to injection [Unknown instruction encountered at 7720E320. (Opcode: 0FA4)]


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Ok, tried to reinstall exactly everything 2 times yesterday, went to sleep to see in the mornin.. and, still the exact same problem, but now it has stopped due running out in the ocean to many times and died until the gear was Red. There is 3 logs since the total reinstall, please take a look.


open Kick's profile with a text editor

press ctrl+f

on search bar type newskills and you will see the line with user settings turn to false training and auto find vendors
I have the same problem, still. I tried to change every train/vendor I saw because it didn't work to change only the first ones. It still goes to train,mail, repair, then back to Ashenvale to run out in the water and die until I stop it. This has never happend before and only on my Warrior toon.


I really have no idea what's goin' on.. Can't use the quest profiles anymore, didn't do anything. Just happend?
[18:00:53:184] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
[18:00:53:184] TrainNewSkills: True

ofc it will go...
the options are enabled
I'm thankful for your time trying to help me, but it doesn't work. I've tried and it was disabled. Don't know why it shows that.
I did, I even changed exactly every single line with any vendor/skill training. I'll reinstall again and delete Kicks SVN and do it again, i'll come back with a log.