disable all your wow addons and also clear the wow cache folder
[6:22:52 AM:630] Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped!
your wow was dced?
Yes, because wow crashed.
Half the times it will DC half the times it will crash.
I am running two wow accounts at the same time, one not botting, and one botting. The one that is botting will crash/dc, and the other one will not be effected, so honorbuddy is the problem of the crash.
give us your wow crash txt report(edit out the char name first)
Yes it's the same as crossover25 gets.. It will crash world of warcraft or just DC.. When it crashes wow it will give an WowError massage..
Btw. I did use your Twilight mining profile last night Tony.. It went smooth for 2-3 hours.. Then i wanted to change zone.. So I found another profile for Uldum.. Then I sit back for 5 min. and BANG it did crash wow.
Dont know if it had any meaning that I changed zone or profile... It really seems to happen a lot for me after i changed to Uldum profile.
this happens only on Gb2 mode?