Whenever I do fates with my chocobo out, it just spaces out on movement, it'll walk in very fast circles and display this in the logs
[17:11:44.605 D] Generated path to <386.4699, 17.57216, 678.5256> in 00:00:00.1026439 ms
[17:11:44.615 D] Requesting path on 137 from <352.3022, 34.24443, 641.1627> to <368.3375, 34.49747, 644.8309>
[17:11:44.715 D] Generated path to <368.3375, 34.49747, 644.8309> in 00:00:00.0988843 ms
[17:11:44.721 D] DoAction Spell 2247 0x4008AF57
[17:11:44.722 N] [Ultima] Ability: Throwing Dagger
[17:11:44.832 D] DoAction Spell 2259 0x1057EA68
[17:11:44.832 N] [Ultima] Ability: Ten
[17:11:46.284 D] DoAction Spell 2265 0x4008AF57
[17:11:46.285 N] [Ultima] Ability: Fuma Shuriken
[17:11:46.735 D] Requesting path on 137 from <352.8196, 34.12686, 640.9828> to <368.3915, 20.0409, 671.6354>
[17:11:46.836 D] Generated path to <368.3915, 20.0409, 671.6354> in 00:00:00.1008110 ms
[17:11:46.848 D] Requesting path on 137 from <353.206, 34.06235, 640.8182> to <368.3375, 34.49747, 644.8309>
[17:11:46.949 D] Generated path to <368.3375, 34.49747, 644.8309> in 00:00:00.1008096 ms
[17:11:46.965 D] Requesting path on 137 from <353.7099, 34.02298, 640.6034> to <366.4796, 20.73958, 669.8335>