alright lets get a few things straight before we go and have an epeen fight
you paid for the bot, not for any profiles
The profiles are provided as a curteousy, not as a requirement
So, lets get an attitude change!
Now, what it's doing (since you're new) is downloading mesh tiles and going to train
Always check the Nav tab if you see 'loading tile/s'
[2:26:40 PM:537] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Fenthwick
[2:26:41 PM:332] Flight time: 00:09:06
[2:26:41 PM:332] Run Time: 00:44:38
[2:26:41 PM:332] Difference: 2132
[2:26:41 PM:332] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Ironforge, Dun Morogh
[2:26:41 PM:637] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Ironforge, Dun Morogh
in your case, it's going to train
Welcome to the forums
Do note: we not like persons who throw temper tantrums
Also, if it's not in the *support forum* then don't expect *support*