[17:54:21.196 D] Generated path to <-24.7753, 0.992226, -85.86086> () with 1 hops.
[17:54:24.076 D] Generating path to <-24.75581, 0.992226, -85.88036>
[17:54:24.116 D] Raycast path generated.
[17:54:24.116 D] Generated path to <-24.75581, 0.992226, -85.88036> () with 1 hops.
[17:54:28.011 D] Generating path to <-24.82746, 0.992226, -85.80871>
[17:54:28.053 D] Raycast path generated.
[17:54:28.053 D] Generated path to <-24.82746, 0.992226, -85.80871> () with 1 hops.
[17:54:32.412 D] Generating path to <-24.77533, 0.992226, -85.86083>
[17:54:32.450 D] Raycast path generated.
[17:54:32.450 D] Generated path to <-24.77533, 0.992226, -85.86083> () with 1 hops.
[17:54:36.251 D] Generating path to <-24.75605, 0.992226, -85.88013>
[17:54:36.291 D] Raycast path generated.
Repeated until bot is stopped...