It would be nice to know what is the current logic behind bot AI so that we could build better builds.
I know you acquired Bot of Stone from Hankerspace but his bot logic is better then the current one in HB. His logic was very simple - hit face if possible, if not kill taunt then hit face. But BoS made very good calls when it came to picking cards to play. HB makes a lot more mistakes at this point than BoS with card picks.
I know it's hard to develop good logic for picking cards to play but it would be much easier for us to make decks if we knew the logic behind it - as it is at this moment.
I know you acquired Bot of Stone from Hankerspace but his bot logic is better then the current one in HB. His logic was very simple - hit face if possible, if not kill taunt then hit face. But BoS made very good calls when it came to picking cards to play. HB makes a lot more mistakes at this point than BoS with card picks.
I know it's hard to develop good logic for picking cards to play but it would be much easier for us to make decks if we knew the logic behind it - as it is at this moment.