Salut alors je vien d'achette TankLeader 2.1 a vie ,mes quand je veux commencer à le lancer j'ai se message qui se met :
Waiting for ExecutionState to become available for BotMain.Stop.
Stopping the bot! You need either premium or gold in order to use TankLeader. Make sure you are logged in and in the garage, and your account has either premium time remaining or has gold on it and re-start the bot.
Donc je voudrais savoir pk sa marche pas , je ne suis pas très bon en anglais donc je ne comprend pas trop .
Waiting for ExecutionState to become available for BotMain.Stop.
Stopping the bot! You need either premium or gold in order to use TankLeader. Make sure you are logged in and in the garage, and your account has either premium time remaining or has gold on it and re-start the bot.
Donc je voudrais savoir pk sa marche pas , je ne suis pas très bon en anglais donc je ne comprend pas trop .